Saturday, May 07, 2005

Separation of Work and Life

I just woke up at around 10:30 AM. Its a great Saturday morning. Today on the list of chores; Got to Bartell Drugs and pick up a prescription refill (yes, I medicate), go to Office Max (or Depot- I don't know...) and pick up the cheapest version of Microsoft Word I can find. Alas, until now, I have been able to pull off not having it. Using the ghetto, old-school version of "Microsoft Works" whenever I need a word processor or spreadsheet. Since I really only use my laptop for personal stuff, which is essentially: checking me e-mail, this has never been an issue. But now I learn that the one feature that I need right now in a work processor doesn't exist in Works: password protection. Now really, how is a girl supposed to send inappropriate e-mails to her boyfriend via his on-ship's e-mail address without sending an attached Word document that is protected with a password that only he knows??? GuhDuh!?!?! I mean, I thought MY employer was bad at being Big Brother with E-mails?? That whole "national security" thing behind the US Navy makes their e-mail compliance people even more Top-Notch than ours! Whatever...

Ohmugawd!! I just made a paragraph!! I don't know what is different about today, but now when I hit "enter" it actually works!!

Okay- so back to my point: I need to get MS Office, as 1) I need password protection for less-than-classy correspondence with darling Life Partner and 2)It would seem as if my laptop might be used in my work life after all!! The horror!! I know?!? I got FIVE, count'em, FIVE e-mail between midnight and 10AM from two guys at work, whith whom I'm working on some new team projects. Clearly they're very excited about these new plans, and apparently can't sleep cause they're up thinking about our team all night. So these e-mails? They all brainstormy and idea generating essays. Pardon me for having lost my rookie enthusiasm, but lets bring some accounts in the door, and THEN I'll stay up at night, giddy as a school girl with new ideas about how we're going to take over the world. Why do I have to be so flippin' practical?? My first boyfriend that I had in high school made up a song that he would sing to me when I got all "devil's advocate" on his ass: it was called "Practical Gina." Come t think about it, those were the only words too- just spoke over and over, with a melody. I hate to be the Negative Nellie of life, but I guess my requirements for attaining a certain level of uncontrollable optimism are... Pretty high. Show me the money!!!!
The fun thing is though: when I DO get excited about a project, idea etc?? I'm ALL IN.

So- am I going to let this new project at work interfere with my life this weekend? Heck no! I am excited about the sale at REI- all bikes are 20% off, so this may finally be the time for me to buy!!! And then start riding an actual bike rather than the ones at the gym that don't seem to get me anywhere.... The only sad thing is that with MS Word, a new road bike (complete with a helmet, pedals, shoes etc) could mean Gina drops over 1500 bucks in one day. Now, I realize that Lindsey Lohan can drop that ten fold in one shopping spree, but this to me, is a lot of sweet moola.

So alas, I must rise and shine, take care of the little errands so that I can go bike shopping!!!


Lisaopolis said...

separation of work and life, what is that?

So far today I ate an actual breakfast and am having a healthy lunch; called noise control on my ass neighbors who were lighting off firecrackers at 11AM, wankers; completed and will soon enter grades and finally make headway on a very overdue project, yack; read about how much I am missing Opening Day in Seattle.

I need to hit the pools but WTF, they are closed all weekend. What, they can't pay some freshman or some townie to lifeguard on a Saturday after the semester ends? Hmm, I wlll have to release my endorphins elsewise. I don't think a vigorous dish-washing is going to do it.

My big shopping drop was some snappy new capris (I'm pronouncing that CAPrees, dahling) and other much-needed items since I've been weearing the same outfit every day for 15 weeks. Neatsie! But I do have a Gibson Les Paul Classic which costs more than the Buick, so there you go.

Gina Grace said...

you read my diary?? Like, my actual one? Wow...