Friday, May 13, 2005

I just want to be held?

Maybe its hormones? Maybe it’s that I haven’t really had any skin to skin contact with another human being in 4 months? All I know is that if you have a heartbeat, and you came within my field of vision yesterday, chances are, I was thinking about snuggling with you. And I might still be thinking about it today.

But today the cuddle-cravings are coming in waves. These aren’t, “I want to get it on” cravings. These are more…. “can we just spoon in a totally platonic way?” sort of cravings. Friends, family, pets, co-workers: I just want to hug the world, and this is odd, cause I’m generally not a high-touch kind of person. I loathe excessive/premature huggers. You know who I’m talking about. That friend-of-a-friend who you meet for the very first time in a group, and then when you’re all saying good bye, they hug you too? Those people make me uncomfortable, but now I feel sorry for them: do they constantly feel the way I feel right now? If so, someone should really start an endowment fund for those poor bastards. I would, but all my money is tied up at the moment. Until one of my FOUR open bike/car related insurance claims pays up, I’m holding-on tightly to every penny.

On a side note, if my MBNA Mastercard actually offers to pay up on my bike, since it was covered under the 90-day purchase protection against theft/damage, I fully intent to both write them a glorious thank-you note AND post raving reviews of their company on this here blog…

But back to my issue: I’m just having a sentimental, “everyone is so precious” wave. Like yesterday, Justin bought me coffee after hearing about my shitty bike experience. That’s just NICE. I like it when people do nice things. I appreciated that. Little things rock.

The insurance lady at USAA was also just plain lovely. In a realistic, I’m-not-blowing-smoke-up-your-ass type of way. Joe gave me the perfect idea for a dessert that would drive little-old-ladies wild. It worked like a charm. Joe is omniscient. He knows all and is very wise.

Another side note: I hope Justin's wife and Joe's wife appreciate the hell out of their husbands.

Anyway... I got to talk to my pink friend Sue (she’s not a communist, she just loves the color pink) and the rest of the Overlake Panhellenic ladies, and they’re all just charming. I got home and there was a letter from Jose in my mail box. It smelled like him. He wrote things like, “I feel really good about our last phone call, It made me feel closer to you.” I was flooded with a heroin-like feeling of “everything’s going to be ohhhkaaaayyy.” No, I've never done heroin! I just would assume it makes you feel really warm and fuzzy inside. Then the guy at the REI bike shop wrote “Fell off bike rack” on the work order request (for my “post-crash” inspection and tune-up). He could have more accurately written: “Jack-ass owner drove bike into building” but he didn’t. He had tact. Later I had a glass of wine with Allison, and we had lovely conversation: she’s lovely. It sounds weird, but I’m really proud of her. I think she has really come into her own over the last year. Not that she was weak before, but I just see her as “stronger” lately. I woke up this morning I got the best e-mail from Jose, of which I will spare you the details. But it made me want to hug him. But wait- don't I want to hug everybody!?

1 comment:

Lisaopolis said...

See, all those years of being hugged when you didn't want to are paying off. Either that, or you're only 35% percent normal and it's Friday the 13th and all...

Do we look reLATEd?

At least you have not hit rock bottom and started to hug journal articles. At least my guitars are some consolation, you kind of have to hug them to play them. The guy where I bought my irrationally expensive but worth every penny Gibson Les Paul Classic actually reached accross my body in very huggy manner to put on a guitar strap for me while I was holding the guitar...that takes guts to just put a guitar strap on a girl from the front without asking first. I DO hope he was trying to be fresh!

Anywoo, my accomplishment today, besides laundry which has taken all day, is the decision that I will play lead guitar some day on stage to AC/DC's "Back in Black". It's the single most tasty do-me guitar rocker chick thing I could aspire too.