Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Ever get the feeling that

YOU'RE the stupidest person you know? I had that feeling today.

Yeah. I did. About an hour ago. So I FINALLY got my new bike on Sunday. Haven't posted about it cause I've been too busy loving it. A Cannondale r500. Nice bike. Certainly not top of the line as far as Cannondales, but not a bike that I'm going to outgrow anytime soon. I rode it on Monday. Flippin' awsome. I took her out for a ride tonight too.

PS- I got a thule rack for my car so I can drive to trails, as this isn't a ride around town type of bike- its a get on and ride fast for miles kind of bike. Great bike rack that fits on top of my car. The bike stands upright.

So I go for a quick ride- just about a half an hour over the I-90 bride from Seattle to Mercer Island and back, not a long ride, but it was getting late and I still had to go to the grocery store etc. So I finish, throw the bike up on the rack, go get some groceries, and come home. I drove right on in to my garage to park, just like I always do.

Only this time there was a $1200 worth of road bike and bike rack securely afixed on top of my fucking car. So, not only have a screwed up my new bike (hopefully no major frame damage, but the brakes are messed up, and some of the gear components are likely a little bent out of shape...), but I ripped the factory cross bars off my subaru, snapped the Thule rack in half, which put a gouge in the top of my car AND put a big dent into the garage door gear box of my apartment building. When things this shitty happen, its nice to be able to blame someone else. So I hate the fact that I am 100% responsible for all of it. So I ask: WTF??!?!

Its hard not to laugh at the udder retardedness of my actions, and I know I'll be able to at some point in the future. But I'm so mad at myself!!!

I need a hug. I need the Irony Gods to stop messing with me. I need to know that everything is going to be ooookkaaaaayyy...


Gina Grace said...

Hi Dahhhling!! So happy to see you here! Yeah- last night was a bitch. I'm taking in the bike to REI to get looked at tonight...

Gina Grace said...

Okay, I've decided to make that nasty photo of myself a wee bit smaller- it was just too huge. No need for the web-viewing public to be able to see every pore...