Thursday, May 26, 2005

I love Paris in the Spring Time?

If you haven’t heard much to-do about the new Carl’s Jr. commercial featuring a leggy Paris Hilton gettin’ down with her bad self while washing a car and play-eating an enormous burger (all while wearing a less-than-modest leather swim suit), you probably will very soon. In fact, here is a link where you can watch it.
I have a love hate relationship with this commercial. Much like Jessica Simpson, I don’t hate Paris Hilton because of who she is or what she does. I don’t even know her- how can I judge? If I looked like her and made big bucks by washing a car in my ‘uns while holding on to a big hamburger, I might do it too. Well, probably not, but I can’ say for sure. So I like the way that Carl’s Jr. is so non-apologetic for this commercial, which has been called “pornography” by many. Essentially they’re saying: Hey you- guy on the couch, you want THIS. Freedom of speech and all that. God Bless America.

But heck, we don’t even have Carl’s Jr. in Washington State, so we don’t have this showing on our TV’s. What I’m saying is: even if I had a kid, I wouldn’t have to worry about it seeing this ad. So, maybe my perspective is less affected.

I do think the ad is sleazy and trashy, but heck- a lot of things on TV are just that. What I really hate about this ad is that its stuff like this that give the religious right, red-state, Bible-thumping, “if you vote blue you hate freedom and God” types even more ammunition. More stuff to whine about.
“America is going to hell in a hand basket!!”
“Where are our morals and values?!?”
“Liberal yay-hoos are the root of all evil!”

These are the thoughts that have been so cleverly marketed into the thoughts and minds of middle Amer’ca to lead people into acts of desperation. And yes, I do mean “vote for Bush again” when I write “acts of desperation.”

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with true Republicans (which I’m sure if both an offense and a disappointment to some in my family). Bring on the blue-blooded, money-loving capitalist who is intelligent and constructive. I like people who are down with personal accountability and who believe that all men really aren’t created equal. I don’t always agree with that perspective, but I appreciate it.

What I can’t deal with are all of those other people out there who are just compete ass-clowns. And to them I say this:

You voted for Dub’ya again and STILL this smut is on TV!!!

And just for the record: I voted for Kerry. I also happen to love freedom and God.


Lisaopolis said...

Yes, I saw a blurb on the commercial on the local news or something. Obviously, these people do not watch Showtime, or they would not count Paris' fromping as porn.

What I think is just OVERLY precious is the fact that this broohaha is all for selling, well at least on the surface...BURGERS! I lOVE IT! It does not get any better. McDonald's would not dare hit something on a national level--too bad Carl's Jr. is only regional. I bet McDonald's doesn't dare. Heck, they are spending too much time showing how much fun we girls have gabbing over Fruit 'n Walnut Salads.

I too have nothing against smart Repbulicans at all. That would be unresonable. Much like I also think some Dems are just wishy washy wankers with no anchor in anything. What I do have an issue with (ok, I hate them) is the medieval Neo-Cons. In fact, I'm making a t-shirt: "Neo-Cons: Giving Republicans and Christians a Bad, No, Even Worse Name Since November 3, 2004!"

Yeah, moral values, it's all so apparent that this argument is holdling no water because there is no rational argument taking place of what moral even is. And when will W just admit he's a religious fanatic and get on with it, already? It would be so much more noble.

Speaking of morals: The stem cell debates are simply delightful to follow: the l 'don't want to destroy human life' argument in light of massive policy involving total human loss (erm, Iraq, as one example that sticks out like a sore thumb). Maybe that is not the same since thoseembryos are like 9,000 days old.

It's all so marvelous! The shit storm is coming! And the blogger revolution will keep it all moving along! We are retreating back in many ways, yes, but I try to remind myself that we have the channels through which to disemintate our ideas and thoughts, not available years ago. Cynicism is the new black!

And Jessie and Paris are gonna be the poster children carrots dangling on guys' sticks. Oooh that would be interpreted wrong...

Emily:) said...

I saw previews for this commercial on Entertainment Tonight. I
d never heard of Carl's Jr before this, but I guess any publicity is good publicity. Because of the flying deformed rats playing guitar, now everyone knows Quiznos too.

Btw, ass-clown is one of the greatest compound words in the English language. I think I may try to bring it back in full force this summer:)