Friday, May 27, 2005

Gateway Hair?

We’ve all heard the term, “gateway drug” right? I learned in DARE class that pot was a gateway drug. On its own, it might not kill you, but it will certainly lead you into the valley of temptation of other, harder drugs.

So when I see a really awful haircut/style, I’ve often wondered: Is there such thing as a gateway hair cut? So people with drastic mullets or asymmetrical hair cuts just all of a sudden go in one day and say, “Make me look like a spaz!” Or is it, and I suspect it is, more of a gradual process.

Behold!! I have created a pictorial essay in support of my thesis:

Outrageous hair does not just happen, it evolves.

My case study is music producer Phil Spector, who has of late, been in the news for being a violent nut-case.

Exhibit A) Some could call this hair style, “outdated,” “Arty,” “Proof that he doesn’t pander to America’s ideal of beauty.” I call it, “Early onset”
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Exhibit B) “Eccentric,” “Interesting choice,” “Eegads”…
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Exhibit C) “Someone should really talk to his publicist,” “What kind of trial lawyer lets his client go to court like that?” “Maybe he’s trying to work the insanity angle?” “Poor guy…”
I call it, “clearly spiraling into a dreary abyss.”
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Exhibit D) *not appropriate for sensitive viewers*
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Lisaopolis said...

OK, um, so I don't ever want to hear about my issues or slams of Jessica Simpson...>!

Emily:) said...

I am terrified to my very core that hairstyles like that are allowed to roam the earth!