Friday, May 06, 2005

Cinco de Wino

It's official: I've discovered my perfect portion of alcohol for a school night gathering with friends. Half a bottle of white wine. Last night Lindsey and I shared the bottle of wine that we designated as "the" bottle we were to share. You see, I broke one of bottles that she bought when we went wine tasting a few months ago and gave her one of mine to replace it. She offered to make this bottle of wine, "OUR" bottle of wine. Being that it is the one bottle of Chardonnay that I've ever tasted that doesn't taste like complete ASS (Pend d'Oreille Winery's Idaho Chardonnay), I was thankful for her generosity. While I'm at it, why don't I post a photo from the wine tasting day here?? Image hosted by Photobucket.comWe'll see if that works... Still so new to the blogging world. Anyway- the half bottle of wine was glorious. I was wan't drunk, but carefree. The kind of kind of tipsy that makes you say things like, "Why not!?" This may have got me into a little spell of trouble, as I think I may have promised to send Jose some PG-13 photos of myself... Dangit! I hate it when my mouth writes checks that my ass can't cash... Somewhat literally in this case. Well look at the bright side: At least it wasn't a whole bottle, which could have gotten me to the Dr. Laura stage. Yikes!


Lisaopolis said...

but wait, you're still an ALKIE and a LIAR, right?

Gina Grace said...

Oh, absolutely. Beth says that I'm officially a nerd, and not in the cool, dorky nerd sort of way because I have a blog. On the contrary, I think I am totally hip and with-it. Sheesh! What the heck does she know anyway?

Lisaopolis said...

Oh my you are ahead of Even Me. I want to know how to post MY picture on my profile and into my blog entries. Remember, I use Macs exclusively so will need higher-level instructions. Tootles.

Beth is a harlot who knows nothing! And I mean that in the most flattering Fret Me way!

Lisaopolis said...

PS; who's Mr. "Shiver Me Timbers" pirate dude in the background? Who wears a bandana and goatee to wine tasting?! There I go again, snobbin' out...

Lisaopolis said...

and ANOTHER thing, where is the LINK to MY blog?? Hmm??? More important things to do???