Friday, July 01, 2005

Its not that you're not worth 75 cents a minute...

Its just that well... that's too rich for this girl's blood. And that's the price for wireless access on the MS Amsterdam. Its slightly less to simply use their computers, but then I have to use writing time AND connected-to-the-internet-for-money at the same time and well, that's just a whole lot of moola that I could better direct toward the Blackjack tables of said MS Amsterdam.

So right now I'm at an internet kiosk in Ketchikan, AK doing a quick and reduced priced e-mail check (a fair $5/hour- that seems reasonable enough, and the connection is brisk!) Sadly, the world will have to wait for photos, as they are locked onto my laptop and will not be revealed until I have time to dicker about on the internet without looking at a time clock.

To date, I am about $20 "up" at blackjack, a far cry from my $120 profits as of yesterday morning. Last night I seem to have had a bit of a losing streak with the deck. You see, the dealer was cute. In a sultry, Romanian sort of way. Cripes. Like I really need another pin on my map...

Okay- Going to head back to the ship. Tonight is "formal" dress night again, and I plan to wear sequins. Yes I do. What are YOU gonna do about it huh???

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