Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm still here!

I've just been terribly irregular with the blogging. I found a fun web site that analyzes a photo of anyone and tells you which celbrity that person most looks like, and it came up with Anna Kornakova and Ashley Judd for me, so naturally I wanted to share these results with the world, since I totally do look like both of them... (WTF?!?) but now I can't find the dang link.

Lots of other stuff going on with Gina Grace but not much that's blog worthy/appropriate. Funny how some things just aren't fit and/or interesting enough for public announcement.


Anonymous said...

Tracey said you were a blogger. The funny thing is that I actually remembered to check for it online...considering she told me about it at brewfest, and I had close to a gazillion beers. (I even stole a sign that says under 21 not admitted or something like that. I love me when I'm drunk...)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gina: Anna and Ashley could only WISH that they looked like you! Five glorious weeks of vacation left. YAYYY! Love, Cindy

Lisaopolis said...

riii:::ght. You just want to keep the juicy tidbits to yourself.
I need that link so I can find out what celebrity I look like. Otherwise I'm gonna have to do a publich opinion poll on my blog and I may get unflattering comments.