Friday, July 15, 2005

She has 27 years

And still some mildly discomforting stomach ick. So I'm going to go to the doctor today to be sure that I'm not having an alien baby. Gosh, that would be a lot to deal with.

Yesterday was my birthday, I had an okay day I suppose. I have to say, I think the best part of the day was when I got home, I rushed to the store to get some cake mix and cupcake papers (those little cup thingys) so I could make cupcakes to bring to my kickball game. I was a bit conflicted about the idea of making my own birthday cupcakes, but decided that it was a perfectly fabulous idea, as cupcakes are delicious and being a summer baby, I never got a chance to bring cupcakes to school when I was little on my birthday.

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"It's really human of you to listen to all my bullshit" -Samantha, Sixteen Candles...

The cupcakes, and our athletic prowess, lead our team, the ToeJammers to an undisputed victory. I think the score was something ridiculous like 9-1. I got 2 of those runs because I'm such a good kickballer.... I will have to take some photos to share next week. We are a quite a force. We actually did play pretty well and it was fun to win after last week's fiasco.

Anyway, in other news... I generally reserve comments regarding my personal life for off-blog discussion only, but I will make one blanket observation about meeting people, specifically, people of the male persuasion: When you meet "fun, life of the party guy" when you're out with friends, it's totally normal that you've both had a few drinks and are getting along quite well. After that, he's allowed to call maybe one night from a loud bar to see how you're doing. A yellow flag waves however, if the night in question is a Sunday night. The color of said flag gets closer to a deep orange/red if the next time he calls, he is on his WAY to a bar to meet a buddy for "one last drink". And its a Tuesday. And when you talk again on a Thursday, he's neither at or going to a bar, but has limited recollection of details of prior conversations. And wants to "get a drink later." I'm certainly no suffragette, and I can get down with the John Barleycorn if you know what I mean, but at the ripe old age of 27, I can safely say, "I just don't have the time or the energy for this shit."

I think I'm justified in adopting this position, but perhaps I just need to lighten up and get back in the swing of things?


Lisaopolis said...

Poor poor baby Gina, never got to take cupcakes to school! She just got to do whatever the hell she wanted during her teenage years! mwhwhwhwhaa!
Hmm, sounds like you are entering the world of the Late 20's or "Not Wantin To Put Up With Your Bull, Dude". It only gets better!

I can't wait to see the kickball pics!

Anonymous said...

Miss Hundley,

I didn't call you on your birthday and am a crappy friend. I hope you did receive my birthday card though -glad to hear you guys kicked ass at kick ball and weren't torn apart by any grandmas. Curious about drunk boy. Call me soon. On Jeff's phone. I still don't have my own. Working on it. Baby steps. I have the day off today and am off to find a bumper for my car. Previous bumper fell off in the carwash. Don't ask.

Anonymous said...

kickball sounds awesome. hope u r feelin better. Yea, it's time to move past the drunks and pot smokers while your at it...

He has a girlfriend already, her name is Alcohol.

27 a finely aged one...

Emily:) said...

Hey Happy Belated B-day btw. The big 2-7! Whoohoo! I just had the Big 2-6 last month. I know exactly what you mean about the yellow-to-red flag thing though, although not the John Barleycorn thing;) Never heard that one before, although I like it and might try try it out sometime. At some point, frat boy guy who drinks every night just becomes creepy alcoholic guy who's liver is screaming at him. Here's hoping you find someone in the middle:)

Gina Grace said...

John Barleycorn was the name used back in the day for character who stood for all that was wrong and corrupt with alcohol. Lets see if I can find a good link for more info...

Here's the wikipedia article, well, I wasn't too far off!

Anonymous said...

Ah, John Barleycorn - very fun bar in Wrigleyville. Just don't wear a White Sox t-shirt (unless you're blond and a girl I suppose).