Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Me llamo Gina, soy una triathleta

Well this is just ridiculous. When you say that times are going to be posted “later tonight,” shouldn’t they at least be posted by the next day? Okay, fine- how about the day after that?!? Grrr….. I’m STILL waiting for my times to be posted for Sunday’s triathlon. I think I was at about 1 hour 30-35 minutes but I’m not sure. Didn’t wear a watch.

A lot of people finished ahead of me, and there were a lot of people still chugging along when I was crossing the finish line, so “middle of the pack” is a-okay with me. The swim was hectic, kind of weird, but everyone was having a hard time with it, so I felt slightly to the right of average. The first transition was dumb. I couldn’t find my bike and felt like I was wandering around forever trying to find it. Note to self: make mental note of location when racking bike next time… The bike leg was good. Didn’t do too well at pacing myself, cause getting passed was not something I was okay with. Couldn’t let some jock on a mountain bike pass me. I don’t care how big his calves were. Bike/run transition was also a little weird- disorienting. Started running and I thought I was going to die. Didn’t actually die, but really thought death was impending. Those feeling were soon replaced with thoughts of “why the hell did I pay money to do this?” but by then I was almost at the run turnaround signaling the half-way point of the run, so it was all good from there. Felt good to finish. I think my run times probably were really slow, but that’s what I was expecting. All of those jocks on mountain bikes were able to regain a lead on me in the run, but I’m okay with that. I beat them on the swim and on the bike.

But you know its bad news when you pull into the parking lot and there are several cars adorned with bumper stickers like “I Heart Running” and “Trail Runners’ Association.” I mean really folks, who the heck wants to run on trails for fun when its so much nicer to walk??? Some people are just crazy.

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