Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Chilly Willy.

Brrrrrr…… After 7 days at sea, and surrounded by a sea of deliciously prepared foods 24 hours a day, I head into the last week of “training” until my triathlon, which is on SUNDAY (Clash of thunder, clang of bells!!!). What sublime timing I have. Kind of in the “Damnit, I signed up and paid already, I have been talking about it for months, now I HAVE to do it!” stage. Here’s the only problem…. I have yet to do an open-water swim. I guess I just have been figuring all this time that it would be warmer by the time July came around.

Silly Gina. It doesn’t get warm in Seattle until August… But alas, the race waits for no man. Or woman as the case may be. So tonight, without wet suit or reservation, I am going swimming in Lake Washington. Lindsey is going with me, as I have agreed to run with her first in exchange for her swimming with me afterward. What a trooper she is!!

Wish us luck, and warmth …..


Anonymous said...

Well? How was the artic Lake Washington??

Lisaopolis said...

hope your willy waznt chilly....