Friday, June 24, 2005

Yes, I really AM that big headed.

Enough so to think that someone might want to read what I have to write :)

I have a sneaking suspicion that most people who try out for reality TV shows are really just in it for the fame. That they’d rather their film career get a kick-start than actually meet and fall in love with the next Bachelorette. (afterall, if you're a film star, you can meet and fall in love with ANYONE! Just look at TomKat! Why settle for some... civilian?!?) I have another sneaking suspicion that people who Blog are really just in it because they want to be the next Carrie Bradshaw/Dan Brown/Danielle Steel/John Grisham. Blogging gives us the silly notion that the world wants to hear what we have to say, and more importantly, likes the way we say it.

So if you know me, you know that “I’m writing a book” about a lot of things. Most of them of the “chick-lit” category. Have I put one word on a page? Well, no, but I have a lot of ideas. I’ve thought of a handful of clever titles, but I have no real direction as far as where to go from there. Some of my favorites, that I could certainly envision being discussed by a panel of Oprah identifiers are: “Stop Faking Orgasms at Work: How to get what you really want from your career” (my latest), and “Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Men, I Learned by Working on Wall Street.” (in which I will compare men to investment vehicles…ummmm, muni-bonds…)

My darling friend Dan, who is a sports writer by day, has also envisioned writing “his book” for many moons. Dan and I have good talks. He can talk about feelings and relationships ALMOST more than I can. Which is a lot. So we’ve been tossing around the idea of a he-said/she-said for a while now, and have decided to take the first steps. I didn’t know what the first steps were... But I think I learned when he gave me two topics/questions in a recent e-mail. The answer is: Answer the questions- just start writing.

So I’m going to start writing. He’s going to start writing. We’ll pow-wow later to see if our pieces of writing can do a little dance.

Dear Readers- please send your thoughts or suggestions.

Topic Numero Uno: Over-Analysis is Paralysis.

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