Thursday, June 16, 2005

This is why I'm scared to ever have kids...

I got to work this morning and as I was waiting for the elevator, I had a realization. “wait a minute self, you forgot to get Daphne up this morning!”

Daphne is my dog. Every morning, I have to wake her up and (almost literally) drag her out of bed (off the couch) and take her outside to pee. Then she comes back inside, goes back to bed, where I give her a couple of morning pets and a kiss on the nose. I give her 1 ½ cups of dry dog food, change the water, grab my keys and a granola bar, and I head to work. I do this every single day, have done it ever since I got her, over 4 years ago.

This morning I did my normal wake-up, get dressed routine, gave her food, changed the water, grabbed my keys and left for work. Woops. Forgot to involve her in the process. I didn’t wake her up for have her go out to pee. Didn’t pet her or give her a kiss on the nose. It's like I forgot she even existed, until I got to work 20 minutes later. And I forgot to get a granola bar (remembered to feed the dog, forgot to feed myself).

I think I’ve been staying up too late pissing my time away when I should just got to bed early…. Need more sleep. And heading home in the middle of the day to let the dog isn't a good habit to get in to.

But really- what if I did something like this with a human child? Its not like I’m going to get any younger or more energetic? Sheesh…


Anonymous said...

Just a note from a father with kids. Your concern is somewhat valid especially when they're infants. But take it from me, the older they get the less they are interested in you waking them up and taking care of them.

As they get into their teenage years, they'd prefer you disappear. Just leave the wallet.

Esteban (who can never remember his ID).

Lisaopolis said...

don't worry, at least she didn't sick Dog Protective Services on your butt.