Friday, June 10, 2005

Golly it feels good to have such an appealing plan B...sigh...

So I got to thinking… If things don’t work out with my ultimate plan to meet and marry Patrick Dempsey while he is in Seattle on-site, shooting an outside scene for Grey’s Anatomy, I’d like to officially announce my Plan B: Become a Dutch Princess!! I think I’d be the first red-head in the House of Orange- which is, by its very nature, almost tragically ironic.

Come to think of it, I hate to even call this “plan B:” because that sounds so… second rate. This would be a true top-shelf plan if I could pull it off:

My first step was initial research and fact-finding. I’ve found two unmarried Princes of a suitable age to marry. They are both Nephews of Queen Beatrix herself (their mother is the Queen’s younger sister). But I must make haste: they’re both already engaged! The clock is ticking.

Option Number 1) Prince Pieter-Christiaan van Vollenhoven. He is engaged to Anita Van Eyck. She looks more intense than me. She wears bold colors. If he’s into super savvy women, I may be to low-key for him. They look like a good match. I’m not encouraged. The only sliver of hope that I see is that she clearly didn’t ensure that her outfit and his tie would compliment one another. Maybe she’s too focused on herself?
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Option Number 2) Prince Floris van Vollenhoven. The youngest of the four boys. He too is engaged, more recently, to a lovely lady named Aimee Sohngen. But do they look happy? I’ll let you decide. All I’m saying is… if you don’t see this as my opportunity to go in for the kill, then you’re un-American and most likely hate freedom.
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Gina Grace said...

Well, I'd actually be "Princess G van Vollenhoven" But you can call me lady for now!

This was all inspired after my first post today about the Crown-prince being on the USS Carl Vinson.

He's so much cooler of a crown prince than Charles. Way more hip. And unlike Camilla, his wife Maxima is a DOLL.

Lisaopolis said...

I like this plan. I think you should be taking careful notes whilst viewing that DVD "The Prince and Me" or whatever it's called--you know the one, it's where Julie Styles, milkmaid college girl from Wisconsin falls in love with sassy Danish prince posing as metrosexual exchange student at UW/Madison. And then you just KNOW that they are going to fall in love but there will be problems with their social classes and such.

It's the stuff dreams are made of. I say pay special attention to the sections where she meets the prince's mother (who of course initial looks way down her nose at her). Could be some good tips for getting an 'in' with the "Mutti".

Don't forget that, and I say this with much experience, "HUP, HOLLAND!" and "chocomel" is all the Dutch you need to know. Let's face it, the people of the nation will embrace your red hair and it will all be very "Huis van Oranje".

Let's see, you snag a Dutch prince and that will make LEAST a countess of SOMETHING. Get me a TITLE. You know how I ADORE throwing those around and cocktail parties.