Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why can't y'all listen this well when we say things like, "please don't forget the dry cleaning"??

I'll just leave it as my lesson learned:

Guys really DO listen. But like silly hounds named Daphne, they listen a lot better when you’re shaking the treats.


Anonymous said...

This needs further explanation.

I'm waiting.

Your dear friend Kari

Gina Grace said...

I had to retract my entry. My first retraction. Ahh, such is the life of a documentrix of pop-culture...

Gina Grace said...

(In other words, I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome, a retraction. It pays to read the blog early. I won't tell anyone.

Rule #1, engage mind first, before blogging...

Emily:) said...

What happened here? Did I just imagine a post about Paris-like action on the left coast?