Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wait wait old man... are you Bartle or Jaymes?

I was talking to Justin today about how some old-timey clients seem to never get our company name quite right. I mean, I know we’ve had some name changes in the last… 10 years, but come on now. You get a CRAP-TON of mail from us regularly, the commercials, the calls from us, the way the receptionists answer the phones… You’d think folks would start to get it right. So we’re wondering if people who work at Smith Barney and Merrill Lynch get this all the time too: Clients calling in with “questions on my Barney and Smith account,” or “I got a letter today from Salomon Barney…” Which lead into, what if we just started answering the phone with, “Bartles and Jaymes, this is Gina!” Or better yet- what if we spun-off on our own and started a firm and called it “Bartles and Jaymes Investments”?? How sweet would THAT be?

I wondered how much it would cost to buy the trademarked name, after-all, its not like they’re still selling Wine Coolers, right?

Wrong-o my friends. Bartles and Jaymes? Very much alive, and just celebrated their 20th Anniversary by re-releasing the “classic” bottles.
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Oh how that green glass and gold-foiled label makes me think of being dizzy in the woods around a camp-fire.

So I’m making a list of my top 5 Nasty-Ass Malted “wine” products to share!! (in no particular Order)

1)Cisco : Image hosted by
AKA: “liquid crack,” that syrupy wine cooler-type thing that was just so nasty you had to choke it down, only to throw it up. Usually. Reminds me of “Paddle Parties” of yesteryear…

2) Boon’s Farm Strawberry Hill: Image hosted by
Takes me back to the days when I was a senior in highschool and had a college boyfriend. The first time I was legitimately DRUNK, it was from drinking a bottle of this stuff.

3)Bartles and Jaymes (though I never actually drank enough to really BE drunk from it. I do remember thinking, “ I wonder if I’m really drunk yet....” I know, sad.)

4) Mad Dog 20/20: Image hosted by
I just learned that it’s actually called “Mogan David 20/20” but the MD on the label has given it the Mad Dog pen-name…

5) Pre-made Mimosa. I wish I knew the name of the company that made this stuff, I just remember drinking it from the bottle at “Champagne Breakfasts” before College football games in Pullman. Specifically, at FIJI’s. It’s the stuff that looks like bright orange juice in a champagne bottle… and tastes like fermented, carbonated Orange-Drink from McDonalds… If anyone can find a picture of this product, I will give you bonus points!!

So there you have it. And thank you for your support.


Lisaopolis said...

You were DRUNK in HIGH SCHOOL?? I am SO telling. Thank god I was out of the country or whatever not to deal with the fact that my youngest sister was no longer 12 years old.
Nothing says 'Homecoming' or "WAZZU" or "exchange" like Boonies...sheesh, thanks for the Bartles 'n Jaymes memories. Wine coolers remind me of lawn chairs and large people sitting around smoking Salems and whatnot with perhaps a campire and surely dogs and a Yakima River or two involved.

Emily:) said...

How bout adding Zima to that list?;) I sure got drunk on Zima in high school a lot. Ah, the memories... Seriously, this Bartles & James investmevent thing. People will wna tto come invest with you because you remind them of 1) alcohol and 2) old people. Either way, you're golden!

Anonymous said...

I'm offended! The 'pre-made mimosa' champagne is one of my favorites! I might have to go out and purchase a bottle tonight! Nothing like drinking CHEAP champagne on a Thursday night. I'm sure ER will be much more entertaining....

I'm very much in agreement on cisco though. This was my 'family' drink in the sorority and e-gad, you might as well drink 40 ounces of robitussun.

p.s. I agree with Zima too!

Gina Grace said...

You know, I don't think I've ever had a Zima. And I'm totally okay with that.

Lisaopolis said...

NO Zima? Not even at Phi Gams (er, F1-J1, aka FIJI's)??
Actually, and now I feel old, I drank my first Zima at a gay bar in Seattle after college, the product had just come onto the market. I remember thinking "I'm drinking this weird thing, at a gay this why I'm not finding a man?"
Later I learned that "zima" means cold in Slovak and other assorted Slavic language group families, whaddaya know.
I agree, E.R. will be more interesting with a buzz on. Too bad I need to read. E.R. is just getting weirder every year. Where are Juliana Margulies (our close friend now that Ginapalooza and I saw her whilst in London) and Geo. Clooney when we need them?

Gus said...
thats not the mimosa, but its that pink andre champange, which is just as horrible, and was what we would buy when we had already emptied the shelf of mimosa, extra dry, and spumonte...

If you've never bought more than one shopping cart full of champagne before, then you haven't lived.

GO COUGS (Fiji's are #1)

Anonymous said...

Oh the days of Cisco! I am sure I have a quality photo of Amy and I actually drinking an entire bottle of Cisco (each!). It's amazing my inards aren't petrified from that stuff ... well maybe they are, how would I REALLY know?! - Beth

Emily:) said...

Am I seriously the only person who's never heard of Cisco? Is it a west coast thing, because I don't think we have it in Ohio? The next poll should be for top 5 shitty beers that we drank in HS and college. Miller High Life Lite has to be up there. As is the Beast and Natty Light (my family's drink o' choice).

Gina Grace said...

Busch Lite, Busch Ice, Rainier Ice tall-boys, Lucky, 40's if Mickys. Done.

Gina Grace said...

(that was supposed to be "40's OF Micky's)

Lisaopolis said...

Em, I have never heard of 'Cisco" either. I think they're secretly talking about "Crisco" shortening. Hmm, it must be a west coastie thing AND a generational thing.

But I do see guys at the liquor store sometimes here with entire shopping carts loaded with bottles of colored beverages, in addition to the entire bottom rows of the gin and rum sections. Maybe it's Cisco?

Then again, maybe everyone back at WAZZU was drinking it and I just never noticed. After all, I was always the one 'crazy' girl at the fraternity party drinking, gasp, gin tonics or something involving booze costing more than $3 a plastic-bottle gallon. Such the snob, such the snob.

I like the idea of the top five shittiest college beers: Micky's; Keystone Light; Oly (unless you're camping, in which case it's MARVELOUS!); Hamm's (ditto on the camping comment) and anything including 'ice' in the name.

The only beers I drank in high school really were in Germany and well, shitty beer there just isn't shitty in the same juicy way beers here are.

Gina Grace said...

Cisco has been described here as "liquid crack" and "robitussen." Pretty much the nastiest stuff you could ever choke down. Its syrupy, thick, and really strong. Its just a bad idea in a bottle.

Lisaopolis said...

let's hear it for the lack of things for youth to do on the Palouse, woohoo:)