Friday, July 21, 2006

My friend...

I was going to YouTube today to find a clip of GW scaring the heck out of Angela Merkel via a presidential-personal-space-invading-back-rub, but decided to run a quick search for my friend Beth.... She found this lady on YouTube a while back after discovering that they had the very same first and last name. My friend Beth is a therapist. Wouldn't you know it- THIS lady is a therapist too! A LAUGHTER therapist. .. and she's got a whole serries of laughter therapy sessions for all to see online. I'm just glad that when my friends google themselves, they too find all types who share their names... But does this lady like Talking On the Phone and Boys as much as my namesake? Only time will tell... (Please reference my post titled "Oh Me, Oh My!" for more background info if you're lost here...)

The first I saw of Dr. Beth, she was doing a series on the sheer joy and laughter producing abilities of... pencils. Here she is jumping on the pirate bandwagon, complete with eye patch. I don't know why, but I hope someday she does a series as Sean Connery.

I don't know if I'm laughing at her or with her, but I'm laughing. Mission Accomplished Dr. Beth.


Lisaopolis said...

Lord have mercy, this sounds like us delinquents in the Borough after one or more gin tonics. Nothing new. Mwhahahaha.
YouTube is in fact the new crack.

Anonymous said...

What can I say, Beth Agnew rocks!

Gus said...

holy shit. the arrgh at the end was the only funny part, and that constant laughing was scary. Like gives-you-razors-in-your-halloween-candy scary.

Gina Grace said...

Erik, maybe for next yearinstead of handing out candy, you can just search for "Beth Agnew" on YouTube and play one of her MANY laughter therapy clips? That aught to keep the kids at bay...

Anonymous said...

frightening clip. it's amazing people aren't ashamed to show how lame they are on the internet. i should have done some drugs first...