Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I've got a wicked case of P.V.

If having and maintaining a Phone Voice were a criminal offense, I’d be guilty in the first degree. Honestly, I think I would have to register as a Phone Voice Offender. Like, maybe even a Level 3, as I am “highly likely to re-offend.”

My neighbors would have to be notified by the authorities that I live in their vicinity. They might have to warn their children not to answer the phone if they suspect it might be me calling.

Would I still be able to vote and have a hand-gun?

I can’t help it! Maybe it’s the industry that I work in, or maybe I have some innate desire to over-compensate for a self-consciousness about being young and inexperienced (though I’m getting less young and less green every day. Some might even call me an “old timer” at this point). Or maybe it’s just the subject matter that I generally discuss with clients. I mean, is it even possible to say something like, “I’m planning to evaluate your account with more depth in the coming week. At that point, if there are any reallocations or modifications that need immediate attention, I will be in contact with you to discuss a plan of action” without having even a hint of PV?? I don’t know. And really, I don’t care. All I know is that every once in a while I’ll catch the sound of my own voice and think, “jeeeze….who the heck is THAT corporate schlep?? I bet she’s wearing a beige pant-suit!” And then I’m like “Whoa! That’s ME and I AM wearing a pant-suit!” But it’s not beige… today at least.


Gus said...

P.V.? Is that like where everyone can tell the difference between when you are talking to your significant other and when you are talking to anyone else?

Or when you listen to your voice on the answering machine and you don't realize who the schmuck talking is, and then realize its you?

Emily:) said...

Whoohoo! I've officially made the list of Ginapalooza blog links!:)

I know what you mean about P.V. though. I did a brief stint as a telemarketer in college for the Alumni Fund at BC and I wanted to kick my own ass a few times after listening to myself.

There's a similar phenomenon in teaching called "teacher talk" and especially "foreign language teacher talk" where you notice that your language becomes much more prnounced and all those contractions you use in everyday talk fade away so that not it's is "it is" in front of your students. God I hate my teacher talk voice!