Monday, August 15, 2005

Don't cry, I'm still here!

**before I forget: Please notice my updated links- I've added a few, and taken away the link to the Carl Vinson (despite improving relations with the US Navy and Yours truly, its just not very interesting now because the ship is in port and just chillin'). If you want your web-site linked up, let me know! Also- if anyone can tell me how to fix my google ad bar from being stuck under my header, I sure could use some advice. Me no know computers. Okay- back to regularly scheduled blogging***

Well, I'll be darned. Its been quite a spell since my last entry! I learned this weekend that more than a couple (yeah, so 3...) people actually notice when I don't blog with regularity! I feel so loved, but aye, what responsibility!?!

High/low-lights of the last week include, but are not limited to: 1)Kicking ass in a major way at our last kickball game of the season, ensuring a worst-case-scenario of finishing 2nd in the league this year. If we do well in the play-offs this week, a championship is ours at long last!! (highlight). 2) Losing 9 colleagues and friends this week at work to "corporate restructuring" and having a hearty dose of survivors' guilt. Okay, so they weren't all friends, but some of them were and I will really miss having them in my every-day life. If you're reading this, it totally blows without you. (low-light). 3) Getting SOLD a new credit card over the phone because the guy was really good at handling my objections, and was polite, respectful, and I feel for anyone who has to do phone solicitations for a living (low light, but I hope he got some sort of bonus for it) 4) Katie's wedding on Saturday, which marked my maiden voyage to Shelton, WA. For more fun wedding details, including a photo of me sleeping on the floor in the manner of King Tut, please visit Erik's blog at (high-light). And there have been a few other pretty cool highlights that aren't quite blog-worthy, so if you're reading this thinking, "Damnit woman! I thought my breakthroughs would at least be a highlight!?!?" rest assured that they were, silly. But this jaded skeptic isn't going to go public anytime soon.

SO- I finally have some pictures to share...
hang on.... they're still uploading....

Here are some from kickball: Brooke Bootin' it. Image hosted by
Me bootin' (honest, its me, I'm just not really in the picture...)Image hosted by

Some sweet base running action: Erin bookin' for home Image hosted by Jess heading home, putting the fear of god into the other team's catcher Image hosted by Look at the discipline in Erik's eyes... wow Image hosted by

And some wedding shots: Sorry for being a catty bitch, but this is my own version of "what not to wear.." again, see Erik's blog for further discussion on the inappropriateness of white, bra-strap and roll-showing tank tops. Image hosted by

Dancing kids rule. Especially when they're in leotards, for some reason...Image hosted by Image hosted by And the token sorority girl shot, because really, what's a wedding without one?Image hosted by


Anonymous said...

Lets see some hot pictures of you kicking ass at kickball!

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about adding coin price guide information. I have at coin price guide .

Anonymous said...

i think u r just an akoholic with a kickball habit! LOL! kick ball rules.

Gina Grace said...

Okay, Sam Freedom and Coin price guide-guy?? You're both dumb. Web marketing crap diguised as "comments" on MY blog are dumb.

Anonymous said...

Amy - you and I have the exact same hair cut. Brilliant minds do think alike, though as usual, you are tad blonder (damn that perfect San Diego weather). Anyway, keep up the the cut bob .. we're so Nicole Ritchie.

Anonymous said...

Wohn - no way! Same cut? How rockin! We do think alike... And really it's just a regular trip to my stylist that leaves my blonde so 'blonde'.
Gina - you are awesome! I also totally noticed tight white tank wearing champagne pourer at the wedding and was NOT amused either. Thanks for the updates and your pics!

Gus said...

Im gonna have to put some more pictures from the wedding on my website (which you can find a link to on my blog links) cause no one likes the forever loading blog. Not all of them though, becuase I realized how drunk we were when I had 40 or so pics on my camera...and at least 10 were of that dancing baby. And when I couldn't drive home the next day. Damn champagne.