Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I love buying CD’s. Yeah, it’s a lot cheaper to get a copy from a friend, but there is something magical about unwrapping a brand-spanking new CD, looking through the liner notes, reading the acknowledgments, lyrics and exploring the pictures. Granted, there is nothing more disappointing than doing this for a CD that ultimately is a let-down, OR that has no/minimal liner notes. But even with those risks, I’m still committed to buying new CD’s- I’m probably down to about 1 or 2 a month on average. More like 1 these days. But I just bought one today and I haven’t even listened to the whole thing yet, but I know its one of my favorites of all time. And the weird thing is, its nothing new. Its exactly the same CD that came out, that I loved 10 years ago. Only its TOTALLY different.

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Maybe you’ve heard it before, maybe you’ve heard it again, but if you don’t have Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill- Acoustic, then you just, well, you really need to get it. Its just damned good.

It’s Jagged Little Pill. Only its totally reborn, she’s singing the same songs, but they’re different, not better, certainly not worse, but totally different, and beautiful. More mature? I want to say that… she’s forgiven, but hasn’t forgotten (but that sounds so cheesy!). The words are all still there, and some of them are the same angry words, but language is more than words, and she’s happy now, and the songs are so… refreshing? Not dismissive, just moving on. Stronger.

"You Oughta Know" is perfect. And it is beyond me how someone can sing the words "And everytime I scratch my nails down someone else's back, I hope you feel it" and make it sound... cathartic instead of angry. But she pulled it off. Awesome.

When it comes down to it, she just has a great voice and great writing. This is one of those CD’s where every single track could stand alone, and they still can. Hooray Alanis! You are a smart cookie! And you are once again, my favorite Canadian!


Gus said...

Funny you should buy an Alannis CD just days after I rewatched Dogma, where she of course plays God (yes God is a female).

I don't buy many cds, but I am on the lookout for the new Foo Fighters CD, and if I don't get it off ebay before my next trip to the store, I will be buying it in all its 2-disc glory...

Anonymous said...

It it still beyond me how she got Van Wilder.

Gina Grace said...

Erik- I heard the new Foo Fighters is really really good. If you get it, let me know what you think.

Lisaopolis said...

Alanis rules, always has been kind of ahead of her time. And she's an American citizen now. Geez, hope she's at least a DUAL, though. I like her being all oat and a-boat. Hmm, I may have to re-think her listing on my World Famous "Dead? Or Canadian?" game.