Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Checking In...

I'm still here. Haven't forgotten about you. But I just haven't found a the time to compose any thoughts lately. I think if I did blog now, it would just be an incoherent basket of statements and thoughts such as:

Chocolate milk is quite possibly my favorite food in the world. And yes, I consider it a food.

I'm still amazed at the ridiculousness of the White Lies chardonnay concept.

I have a sun burn on my nose.

Why the hell can't I get to bed before 11PM during the week? It makes me a zombie by the time Friday afternoon rolls around.

I think I actually like Ashton Kutcher as an actor. And I'm not ashamed to admit that.

I don't know how to mail-merge okay? I hate not being able to do simple administrative tasks. It makes me feel dependent on an assistant. It makes me feel like a man.

I have a client meeting in 35 minutes and should be preparing for that instead of doing this.

Being a reformed nail-biter means that you have to spend a fair amount of time on nail filing. They just keep growing, and I just have to keep filing. Odd concept. Still getting used to it.

I have a video due back at Hollywood video tomorrow by noon. How much you want to bet that I forget to take it back tonight and get some monster late fees?

When I'm rich and fabulous, I'm going to hire a service to clean my car (inside and out) once a week. I dislike having a dirty car. But I dislike cleaning it more.

That's all I've got. Brain is one empty. Gas tank is not. (But wallet is)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you must be having BOY trouble?

Gina Grace said...

Among other things.

I don't know if "trouble" is the right word- that makes it sounds so...negative.

I've been told its more like "baggage."

Lisaopolis said...

oh get over it! Just file away your woes, I'm also having trouble with the long nails; I can either have long lucious nails OR play guitar and type. Not both. Ashton is talented, he just has a candy-a** name. Poor guy. Your car issues sound like my apt. I think things spotless, I just don't like de-spotting.

Gus said...

I bite my nails. We have a kind of love hate relationship. I love biting them, but I hate when I bite too much.

Now if you can't find something dirty in that, good for you.

I should just erase it. I should also stop biting my nails. Lets see which happens first...

Gina Grace said...

I was a all-out nail biter until I went to a hypnotherapist finally. I tried everything, but that has actually worked- I haven't been a nail biter since January and its fabulous. And that aint no lie.

I highly recommend brainwashing yourself to anyone interested in making major life changes.

Lisaopolis said...

Hmm, I need to seriously consider a major lifestyle change to reduce my body mass index, should I go under the hypno-rama? Don't worry, I'm not gonna get my stomach stapled or fast or anything unreasonable. I don't wanna be like Carnie Wilson THAT much.

This comment brought to you by neatly trimmed nails, woot woot!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry to much about baggage, most people are extremely understanding about those things... I'm stunned you went to a hypnotherapist though.

Anonymous said...

I think its bullshit that you can't go to that spammers site and send him hate mail. And if its not there anymore when you read this, it was a stock tip that was at least 8 paragraphs long. I can't wait to get some of that shit in my comments section.

Gus said...

shit. I just realized I am biting my nails and I have a question.

whats better?
guy with manicured nails.
guy with chewed on nails.

Emily:) said...

Oooh, That's kind of a zen buddhist question. My vote is for the chewed on nails. Metro-sexual men with good nails are alright, but my nails have never been fabulous and I don't want a man with prettier hands than me.

On another note, Gina you can't mail merge? Freak!!! Hehe, just kidding. The first time I mail merged on my own was a glorious day of triumph in my life. You'll get there grasshopper;)

Anonymous said...

I love it. Hollywood Video is like the video tape of rentals. It's still there because people are too stubborn to upgrade.