Wednesday, August 24, 2005

As IF...

I don't get enough boiler-room jack-asses calling me throughout the day to beg me to put my "best clients" into "emerging opportunities" that offer unique access to the nanotechnology sector.... Yeah, we get cold-calls every once in a while from guys pushing penny stocks, so we'll move the market, they sell out at the top and make a quick buck for their people. Its usually kind of fun, as when they call, we've adopted the fun practice (inspired by Aaron Johnson) of telling these guys something to the effect of; "Actually, I don't do any business in penny stocks, I typically stick with AAA-rated, insured municipal bonds, but my colleague, YOUR NAME HERE, deals EXCLUSIVELY in the penny stocks, you might give him a call. I'm sure he'd be happy to give you an hour to 90 minutes of his time to discuss some of your ideas. His direct line is XXX-XXXX, but let me transfer you to him now..."

Ahhhh, its fun to give people shit sometimes... I like not being a rookie anymore. Well, not the rooki-est of rookies at least.

So- if the above rambling makes no sense to you, that means that you didn't see the "comment" that was left by a spammer telling is all about a miraculous new stock that was going to the MOON!!! I deleted it. This, and a couple other random commercial comments have lead me to tack on a word verification requirement before any comments can be left. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone, and I hope it keeps the spammers at bay...


Emily:) said...

I think that you should start giving those penny stock losers the names and numbers of people you hate. That way you can have a vicious round of laughs at all of their expense:) If you need some suggestions, I have some names of ex-boyfriends that you can use;)

Gus said...

I think those spammers should have to provide full profiles, so you can go to their blogs and spam them back with pictures of your ass.

I now go to try and find this word verification for my site.

Lisaopolis said...

shya, dude, update your damn blog! Inquiring minds wanna know!