Monday, November 06, 2006

Forget a meat grinder, I need a silencer attachment for my Kitchenaid Mixer...

I went candle shopping for J on Saturday morning, as he has requested that I send him some Christmas Tree scented candles since he'll still be "beyond" the tree line for the holidays this year.

"And I want really good ones. None of the cheap candles. You know what I'm talking about..."

That was his request, worded in a way to admonish me for my purchase of generic mouth wash last month. I brought some on the trip, and he was less than pleased with it. In my defense, I'm not a complete cheapskate, I just figured I'd try the generic brand first. If it was, in fact just like Scope only cheaper, why pay more? Alas, it was not just like Scope. Live and learn... But come on, wouldn't most men appreciate having a wife that doesn't put value in brand names unless deserved??

ANYway... I bought him the "Mistletoe" scented candle from Yankee Candles. They're among the most expensive I could find, so I figured he would be able to more clearly see my love and devotion that was poured into the wax (and so obviously devoid from the mouthwash). And I have to admit, the candle smelled good- actually smelled more like a real tree than an air freshener, which was surprising.

While quite literally "sniffing around" in the candle isle (sorry, couldn't resist), I found one called "Buttercream" with a piece of frosted cake on the label. I sniffed. Yum. Cake batter and vanilla frosting. And none of that homemade shortening and powdered sugar kind. This smelled like the fabulous stuff I can eat by the spoonful from out of the tub by Duncan Hines and Betty Crocker. So I bought a small "Buttercream" candle for myself, thinking it might create and inviting and "homey" feel in my apartment.

I brought it home, lit it and left it burning all day and went about my business. About 8 hours later, I realized that I was having the biggest craving for CAKE I'd ever had in my living years.

But what's a girl to do when she lives along and has a hankering for cake? And not just any cake. Going to a restaurant and buying a piece of fancy delicious cake from the menu would not answer this calling. This candle had a distinct aroma of homemade cake, from a mix. With Betty Crocker frosting.

I tried all afternoon, and into the early evening to resist these overwhelming urges. Really, I tried. Until about 10PM last night when I made a break and skipped off to the nearest grocery store for cake mix and tub of frosting. But clearly I wasn't being irrational and going to the store as the first steps toward baking a middle-of-the-night-cake, as that only happens when one drives to the store. And I walked.

Damn Yankees.

PS- This might be the beginning of a fun challenge- to try to end each post with a word or phrase that not only captures the essence of the post, but is also the name of an 80's hair and/or power ballad band.... me likey.


Lisaopolis said...

damn, not happy with the generic brand mouthwash saving you money? And I thought -I- was anal about that kind of stuff;)

I admit to struggling with similar 'to bake at midnight or not to bake at midnight' issues but with brownies. During my exams I was so stressed one night that I made a chocolate cake AND frosting for it from scratch...and then because I was so nervous so therefore couldn't actually EAT it, I gave it to my neighbors.

I like the idea of a silencer on the mixer...

...but I can't make the 80s hairband connection at the moment.

tz said...

man my brother is a whiner baby! no wonder he and jason get along, i thought it was the male bonding thing over snowmobiling and other fun guy stuff...but it's gotta be this mouthwash thing...jason wasn't happy with the SCOPE i brought to spain and had to go buy some listerine....because if it doesn't burn it doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

mmm, buttercream...just the word is lovely. wouldn't that be a bummer if you painted your room that color and forever after were haunted by that mouthwatering/ crazed sensation. while we're on the subject, i find the bodyshop's chocolate lipbalm and other chocolate moisturizers actually have a smell that's satisfying on their own, while eating chocolate mousse yogurt only increases my appetite for more! mmm mmm good.