Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Go Cougs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's officially time to start smack talk with any and all fans of the University of Washington, as this Saturday is not just Cougar Football Saturday, but THE APPLE CUP!!

Let the jokes begin!! I'll start with this one, which I found on a delightful little spot on the world wide web called... HuskiesSuck.com.

It's the night before the Husky season opener and the Husky coach gets a call from UW's sole math professor. He tells the coach that his quarterback is academically inelgible because, shockingly enough, he missed his math final from summer session.

In true Husky fashion, the coach asks for a bending of the rules and like a usual UW professor, he agrees and they decide on a one question, all or nothing math final at the 50 yard line in Husky Stadium on Opening Day.

So there's the quarterback at midfield, the entire stadium becomes dead silent, and over the PA system, the math professor shouts "Okay, what is 2 + 3?"

The quarterback furrows his brow, sweat drips down his rather large forehead and he racks his brain with all his might before letting out a hoarse "5?".

The entire stadium erupts in a huge roar with every husky fan jumping up and down screaming "Give Him another Chance!! Give Him another Chance!!"

Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

Q: What do the Huskies and Billy Graham have in common?
A: They both can make 60,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ."

I hope I can find a bar somewhere in San Diego that the game is playing at....
Amy B

Lisaopolis said...

BRING IT! I can't wait to start teasing my Husky friends...

Lisaopolis said...

Good. Lord. Why is it that the only game the Huskies have WON the past few seasons has been the Apple Cup? I'm bitter!

Anonymous said...

amazing how cougs blow it for apple cup. wow.