Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nobody pinch me.

Maybe I'm just dreaming, but I can't decide if the primary cause of my big dumb smile is either:

1) the latest Tony Bennett Duets CD that I finally bought today, and his version of Lullaby of Broadway with the Dixie Chicks, in which the girls sound a lot like the Andrew's Sisters. (Very smile-worthy)


2) Rumsfelt just resigned.


Lisaopolis said...

I feel your joy: I'm basically running around into walls, I can't decide what to do 'cause I'm all a-giddy. Stick it, Rummy!

Nancy Pelosi, a "D" House, it's kind of like Christmas has come early. My faith is restored, sirrissly.

I saw that CD at Charbucks...let me know if you get it (so I can burn it...) and I'll pick up Wy's new Christmas one. I'm gonna get Sugarland's new one asap too.

tz said...

Kfed? thought it was some weird KGB DC terminology about the federal government and 'burning' the CD, thought it was a 'statement' of musical taste, but no, keven federline and copying the CD...yup 40 is around the corner and i'm feeling my age. Gonna go buy some hair dye and a gossip magazine and catch up!

Oh and yay about Rummy..need to turn off Sponge Bob and watch the news.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Rummy is gone! KFed is gone! Perhaps Britney and Tom DeLay will hook up. Those kids will need a new daddy.

~ Beth

Lisaopolis said...

the only couple that might even remotely challenge the coolness of Brittney and DeLay would be Nancy P. and Georgie B!

Anonymous said...

SHOULD b a fun year.

btw, poor joe pa.

Anonymous said...

The Santity of life is under attack... please vote to have KFed castrated