Wednesday, November 01, 2006

España! .... now what's the html for the upside down exclamation point??

On advice from newly aunted Amy B, to “work less, blog more,” I have been looking for a moment to make a quick post to say hello and… “I’m baaaaack…” (read in a creapy horror movie voice).

In three words, Spain was great, and I’d love to write an essay about my fabulous fall vay-cay, but in the efforts of sparing my fingers so that I can reply (AKA: hit delete) to the massive amounts of e-mails that are still lingering in my inbox, I’ll resort to a bulleted list of trip highlights:

  • Getting to the Madrid airport within an hour of J’s arrival. Which, given the amount of potential chaos in coordinating our travels, was a small miracle.
  • Having my purse stolen while checking out of our Madrid hotel the next morning, bound for La Coruña. Yes, my phone, camera and passport were in there. In addition to my sweet $5 aviator gafas del sol (sun glasses!) from Eastern Market... More of a low-light really…
  • Learning all about filing police reports and finding the US Embassy in foreign countries. The embassy was a bit of a let down, I was hoping the experience would be akin to that scene in Not Without My Daughter where Sally Field finally catches a glimpse of the American flag, but in reality, it was a lot like going to the DMV...
  • Arriving in La Coruña and finally meeting my mother-in-law for the first time.
  • Having quality family time with my new family- it’s just like quality time with my own family, except with this one, I can relax and enjoy the ride of their craziness rather than get too sucked into it. An excellent concept really, and for the naïve life of me, I can’t see how in-laws have a universal bad rap.
  • Realizing that I have the cutest nephews on the planet, and they are highly entertaining. I heart them. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  • Getting to smell my husband, which God-willing, is enough to tide me over for another 6 months.
  • Taking several day trips around Galicia. A chance to connect to my Celtic roots... (yes, the Celtic people stomped around much of this part of Spain. And you thought the Irish had the monopoly on the Galic people… Eh, that’s okay, so did I.)
  • Learning that mullets have come back, in a big way in Spain (and I’m guessing most of Europe). Again, more of a low-light. See for yourself. I was standing as a decoy- the real subject of this photo is the mulleted Spaniard behind me… Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

  • Putting faces to names of some of the people in Spain on our wedding announcement list… then realizing that we’ll need to send some sort of Spanish translation of said-announcement….
  • Coming face to face with some scary foods. Some I could deal with, some I could not. Such as…Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  • Missing my flight home from Madrid after being stuck in traffic for three hours. It ended up being a bonus night of vacation, as J wasn’t to leave until the next morning anyway. However, not knowing if I would or wouldn’t get on the next day’s flight on stand-by left me a bit nervy (in light of the fact that J would soon be on a flight to Kuwait, and I had only a temporary passport, a MasterCard, 20 Euros and the language skills/vocabulary of a 3 year old, and the American Airlines gal in Madrid said the soonest flight with seats available was November 7th. “What? That’ won’t work for you? Okay, I have something on November 11th?”).
  • Coming home to find that the wedding announcements had arrived from the printer. Then asking myself “why the hell did I think it would be a good idea to hand mount 275 of these sonsubitches onto not one, but two panels of (beautiful espresso brown and Tiffany blue) cardstock??? And why does my mothers Big Sister from her Sorority (actually named Dixie- no joke) who I have, until now in my life NEVER HEARD OF, merit reviewing one of these hand-adorned crafts?
  • Getting to miss out on nearly three weeks of Virginia Senate race campaigning. Came home to find that George Allan has done what I thought was impossible: made himself look like a bigger spaz in the public eye than he did at the beginning of the month. Ha!

And now I’m back to real life, and trying to catch up with everything else…including reading my voters guide. I’ve accepted that my bank ofsocial capital in DC is a barren wasteland, as I can’t recite every states senator and representatives (worse yet, I don’t know who’s secretly creepy –a la the early Foley years- or who is probably gay!), but I figure at least I can attempt to show up at the polls with some sort of recognition of who is on the ballot, and how much I like the sound of their names…

But in my defense man, I know some things about music... and I knew about Windows Vista YEARS ago, when it was still in beta!! Okay, maybe that’s just because Ken and I would routinely crash the “Fun Friday’s” at the PR firm officed on the next floor in my old office building. And okay, maybe our cover was that we were from “the Portland Office, on Kathy’s team. We’ve been swamped with the Vista beta… Hey- is that Doug over there- I’ve got to catch him…” But hey- they had free beer. At work! Yeah, that’s right kids, in Seattle, I was cool. I had social net worth…I wasn’t just some lonely dietitian Navy wife who works at a library… Ah, the good old days.

Which reminds me: I was at the Wonderland Bar one night having a beer with Laura before I left on my trip, and this couple (who looked like they both tried REAL hard to look like a cast member of “Reality Bites”) was sitting next to me on their picnic style tables. And I seriously overheard things like, “Man, that would be so awesome… cause Microsoft is still like, innovative. And to work for them before they turn corporate would be amazing… I wonder if they like, hire people? What would be cool would be to like, work for them as a contractor, or a temp or something. Do they do that? That would be cool. I think it would be cool to work for like, Amazon too…”

I nearly spat out my beer. But I bet they knew gobs about all sorts of bills and pending acts… sigh.

Okay, I’m off to read Wonkette in a desperate attempt to figure out what the hell is going on in this town. But yeah, by the time I’m reading it, it’s likely already jumped the shark.


Lisaopolis said...

Hang on, I'm kind of concerned that your teeth are so sparkly white and showing in nearly every pic. A result of too many sorority dot events and Party Pics? Or because I was the One Who Didn't Get Braces (or Pony Lessons, for that matter...) that I even notice? Maybe Americans just smile way more. Or am I just dour with my toothless smiles?
Embassy as DMV = Why I Don't Work for the US Foreign Service...hehehe. No glam! I think I could play a cultural attache on TV though.

Anonymous said...

make sur u r edukated or will end up in iraq. you voted for him!

Gina Grace said...

Um, yeah- but what was my alternative?? I'd do it again if I had to.

Lisaopolis said...

I love how quickly the Kerry botched 'joke' has been flung into the media, particularly by right and far right proponents: boy, they are really grasping at straws--which is what happens when you don't have much to stand on. Smoke 'n mirrors! Smoke 'n mirrors!

tz said...

Ahhhh, poor Kerry, glad I'm not in politics because I'd get busted saying stupid things all the time! Can we give the guy a break? But more importantly...gina your nephews are cute! they must have great parents...and so glad you didn't run screaming from the family, we really like you.

and lisa, i was the oldest and also did not get braces or pony rides...but then if I had therapy wouldn't have been as much fun...

Anonymous said...

that's "the pot calling the kettle black" to use an old adage. dems love to use the media to bash bush. dems have no platform, just bash. now when reps do it u r using the same argument to fight it. weak.
at least it creates a forum for discussion.

this is as old as hatfields/mccoys

Anonymous said...

loneley dietician navy wife who works at the library, aaawwwWW!
cute but not as cute as the nephews!

speaking for myself here...kerry's comment nails how removed, uninvolved and academic people like me can sound and be. fair?

Gina Grace said...

Anon, u r so smart it kills me.

"now when reps do it u r using the same argument to fight it. weak."

u kno wut? u (meaning me) never brought up the damned thing to begin with, so... what's UR point?

And now, a message from me: If you want to argue with Lisa, do it on her blog- or better yet, yours!

(and you're right, the "dems" have no platform. The situation in Iraq is going swimingly.

Lisaopolis said...

no, don't send ANON my way...he/she won't stop stalking me!

Anonymous said...

sorry, happy voting.