Friday, February 17, 2006

Is this irony or just plain crap?

J is supposed to be driving a desk these days, pushing paper etc. We just got to DC about a month ago (well, I did at least, he's been here for about 2 months). We're finally unpacked for the most part, I found a job that I like, things have been going swimmingly. This was supposed to be our time to finally be normal young people in love...

But he found out yesterday that he's getting deployed again. For a year. And he leaves soon. I have milk in the refrigerator that expires after he leaves. This time, he won't be on a ship traveling around through bad-guy waters, but actually on land in bad-guyville. You can imagine how thrilling this is to me.

As much as I've been wanting to scream "BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT- THAT'S NOT THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!! HE JUST GOT HOME!" I realize that it really doesn't matter how/why/who this is all coming from. Regardless of why its happening, or how incredibly... not fair... it is, it's happening. And it very well could turn me into a bitter, bitter person. In theory, I should get pissed, I should be bitter, I should lead the protest march. I should help stick the "Step Down Bush" stickers all over DC.

But I don't want to be bitter and mad because that's not who I am. I like being happy. And I need that trait right now more than ever. I'll be damned if THIS ("this" being a very broad term here) is going to change my core. I've learned that, for me at least, having the capacity to be pissed at "The Man" is a luxury I don't have. For now at least.

And in response to a comment left on my last entry, yes, I did like McDreamy when he was just a nerd in Can't Buy Me Love. Duh...


Anonymous said...

Gina: What ROTTEN news. Pukey, in fact. I am so sorry. Love, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Gina: What ROTTEN news. Pukey, in fact. I am so sorry. Love, Cindy

Anonymous said...

We love happy Gina too. If anyone can get through this and make the best of it, all my bets are on you. It sucks -maybe you are just getting all of your "tests" over early in your relationship, while many of ours are still sulking in the shadows? Hell, I don't know! Love you and am sorry this is the new development. Love, K
PS So proud of you for being "above" Bush hating stickers and the like. More proof that you are a happier, shinier -better person that I am!!! No seriously. You are right. Being mad won't change a thing. Love that new job and city, that glorious dog, and your man -even if he is far. Your life rocks and bitterness doesn't become you.

Anonymous said...

As a member of the 'Navy club' I am always here if you need to vent or just share a telephone call that you and J had. You'll make it through this: plenty of us have before and many will ahead of us. (Not that it makes this any easier...)
Love you,

Anonymous said...


Wha--- huh?!!??

I am always impressed by your problem solving abilities. Man...I realize that developing them this way isn't what you had in mind (AT ALLLL!!!!!)

I love Gina who lets people feel their own feelings, even when they are completely a pain in the butt.

G, do you have free long distance on your cell phone?

Let me know please!


Lisaopolis said...

This sucks BOOTY. I'd be bitter, but then again, you're not a 30-something yet, let optimism guide you! Later you can be a crank-pot like me.

Anonymous said...

OK LISA Beat me to the crank pot remark. lol
well even i have a heart, thats rough news.... i must admit...

well it goes with the territory, u know being a special agent and all...
well it will make u stronger...

mcdreamy-yippe, chalk one up for the nerds that get better with age...

when i think i have a rough job, i imagine waking up in iraq and i stop complaining!

ok enuf one liners.

Anonymous said...

"I know what some of your big-city, no-bra-wearin', hairy-legged women's libbers might say .."

Well, Gina. This is shit. Will he get to come back at all?

I will see you in May though for sure. And maybe this means you can make a weekend trip out to Chicago for a bit. We'll get deep dish and talk about foreign politics. Wait, no we won't ..

I am sorry Dearest, but I know you'll be fine. You're one of the most resilent people I know. You constantly find the humor in all things. Plus you're lovely. So you have that going for you ..