Sunday, February 05, 2006

Huh. that was uneventful

Okay we lost, even though we played what many would consider, a better game. I found the whole thing entirely anti-climactic. Perhaps a product of being a Cougar fan where we blow big leads in the last minute in heart-breaking, but exciting (for the other team) losses.

I found myself saying, "well, there are 3 minutes to go and... looks like there's no way we could win. Darn."

But how 'bout those Stones?!? Sheesh! I never thought I'd say this, but I think Mic and Keith might be in better cardiovascular health than me. Or anyone I know for that matter.

Even the commercials weren't all that glorious. I did like the streaking lamb and the little colt trying to pull the Budweiser wagon. What was your favorite?

Off to watch Grey's Anatomy.

Future blog topic: Saw Brokeback Mountain this weekend and fear that my new fascination with Jake Gillinthal might be stronger than my feelings for Dr. McDreamy. I'm shocked.


Anonymous said...

it's Gyllenhaal. go see donnie darko, its a trip, and u can see him act with his sis(the secretary was a weird flick..).
i like him, havent seen brokeback tho.

yea those refs ruined the game, a shame.

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing Mick Jagger! And did any of you Eastlake alum see the TGIFriday's commercial? Shaula told me about that ad...

Gina Grace said...

Yes- I DID see the TGI Fridays commercial which reminded me of my high school days for 2 reasons- 1) it was a commercial for TGI Fridays, which was on all accounts, the coolest place to hang out in highschool. Red Robin was a close second, but it wasn't as close to the Kirkland strip and 2) It was starring a fellow Eastlake High School Alumnus, Gavin B (protecting his privacy, and I don't know how to spell his last name...) Looks like all those years manning the "Spirit Can" at Eastlake pep rallies has really helped him hit the big time!

So where can go go after a super bowl commercial? That must be the top of the game. I'm sensing a major network serries soon.... How cool would it be if he were the next young buck on NYPD Blue??

And thank you to the anon commenter who helped me with the Gyllenhaal spelling. This will aid me tremendously when googling topless photos of him. I liked The Secretary- Weird but good. Maggie and James Spader make a good odd-duck couple. She's great in Happy Endings too. And you get to see her seduce Tom Arnold, so there's that...

Anonymous said...

I agree the whole event was well, uneventful. The game was borderline boring, half-time was moderately boring and only a few commericals made me laugh (the magic beer fridge). Either I'm a negative nelly or I need to see nipple to make it exciting. - Beth

Anonymous said...

P.S. Jake is such a hottie that I actually paid money at the theater to see him in "The Day After Tomorrow". - Beth

Anonymous said...

Whoa, okay. While I won't repost by bullet points of the game (Gina was lucky enough to receive an email earlier) it was a very hard game to watch as a Hawks game but not the least boring as my knees was shaking the whole time. Jackass commercial topped it for me.

And where you have you guys been?? Gavin is in every other commercial on TV! He's in the Old Spice one - where he gets the girl home at 6 am, he's in a Mastercard one - where they repairing the copy machine, now he did TGI's, he's in an office one (perhaps airline?) where they are running off in an airport to some city to save their boss and he's been in McDonalds, Trident and Bud Light commercials as well. He's everywhere. Plus his myspace is 'private.' Clearly he is the most successful out of our class - or perhaps Kristen Gates - who is a Rockette. Toss-up.

And I do not apologize for the amount of TV I watch. I had a huge crush on him in highschool.

P.S. - Christina Ricci would have never taken her hand off the bomb - bad choice in casting. She would have been dismantling it while eyeing the camera seductively. Shame on you ABC.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jennifer, I'll watch for those ads, too!

Anonymous said...

"P.S. Jake is such a hottie that I actually paid money at the theater to see him in "The Day After Tomorrow". - Beth "

THAT is why you agreed to go see The Day After Tomorrow? I thought it was for Dennis Quaid!

Gus said...

Ahh, the Stroling Bones as they were called at the party I was at. Fuck those guys are old. The superbowl was just another chance for a NW team to get the shaft. I can't wait for NCAA playoffs where the Huskies or Gonzega will let us down...

Anonymous said...

worthwhile cause comin' out of d.c.

Anonymous said...

How u like the Nor'easter?