Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Almost Heaven, West Virginia...

Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River….

Hot Damn, isn’t it great that just the thought of John Denver can put a smile on your face? What? It didn’t put a smile on your face? Okay, just the thought of John Denver puts a smile on MY face. And probably Anne’s. And Kari’s too!

I was a real live Mountain Mamma this weekend- I went to West Virginia!! J and I went skiing at Snowshoe for the three day weekend and had a lovely time. I was prepared for crappy ski conditions, as I was advised that all snow on this side of the country is pretty much 100% pure garbage, but really- it wasn’t too bad. Not great, but ski-able. The double black diamond runs were closer to hefty blue squares in my book, and there was a fair amount of man-made snow, but it did the trick.

And here’s what put me over into the “I’d ski there again” category: The West Virginians.

Seriously the nicest people- as a whole- that I’ve ever encountered. Real salt of the earth types. Sure, our waitresses generally had sideburns that reminded me of my grandfather in the early 80’s, but what they lacked in fashion and dental hygiene, they made up for in good-hearted wholesomeness. No other way to word it.

I’m looking forward to going back there in summer- I predict that it will be a beautiful drive when everything is alive a green. Daphne will also appreciate a return trip to her homeland. I don’t know that she really has roots in WV, but I’d like to think that she does.

So aside from skiing, there was soaking in the hot tub after said skiing (much needed), Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture (at which I totally RULE!), eating of good food, and watching of Olympic level curling, bobsledding and ice dancing.

Ah- there was also a flash lesson in auto care and maintenance, as my car wouldn’t start on Sunday or Monday morning- well, it did start, but not without heavy prompting, channeling of positive vibes and looking through the owner’s manual with a crooked brow. I think it was one part old battery that “needs replaced” (as they say in WV) and one part FRIGGEN FREEZING cold outside in the mornings. As in… my entire car was frozen solid because I parked in the shade. So cold that when I released the clutch after trying to start the car, it stayed completely engaged. Guess that’s why they plug in their cars in Alaska… Or maybe my battery just never fully recovered after “The Great Stuck- on-Snoqualmie-Pass-With-Lisa-Whilst-Running-All-Accessories-on-Full-Blast Capers of ‘05”??? The world will never know…

In any case, a trip to Sears is in order this weekend. And not the Softer Side. I hear DieHard’s are the way to go.


Lisaopolis said...

Yeah my DieHard finally petered out after four years and i had to get my battery jumped...twice. Of course, I was glad to find that it was just the battery that needed replaced...which I got 'wrote up' on a work order from my boyz at the garage down the street. I tell you, nothing is More Interesting than the venacular of local mechanics; they are the nicest salt o the earth guys (a trend here in these parts 'o the land, and a good one at that) yet I felt like saying 'can you say this into a tape recorder' because it's just all too deliciously regional for words. Long live frozen cars 'n such. Glad WV was a treat, I wanna go in the spring.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a weekend, thanks for the description! Loved reading about the new sights and sounds...more texture to fill in the shades of John Denver songs-- sigh--

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sunshine on my goddamn shoulders, John Denver. Can you believe it, replaced by John F*&#@n' Denver? I'll be damaged if Mr. Rich didn't pull out his cigarette lighter right there and light that country music award on fire.

Anonymous said...

I heart John Denver! - Beth

Anonymous said...

even tho im against hippi crap, john denver has his place.
the east is too cold, nuf said.
its all about snowboarding anyways.

Anonymous said...

John Denver remind me of Gina. And of college. And of my college apartment with him blasting through the wall that Gina and I share. Because of this, I heart John Denver too. As for skiing.... after living in flat as hell Dallas for 6 months, I'd happily strap in my skis to go down a sloped driveway. If only I could fine one here.


Emily:) said...

Yay WV!!! You know I was born and raised there?:) It I never thought of "needs replaced" as funny until you mentioned it. It's just what we say. But I still maintin that WV is the most beautiful state in the country, especially in the Fall, but of course I'm biased:)