Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Landed... Finally!

I made it! I'm all the way on the other side, in the "Other Washington." I thought I'd be sprightly and full of vigor, ready to take on the world, but after a week of driving and far too many mediocre audio books, I'm just tired and need an actual night's sleep (free of the ash trayesque odors of the Super 8 rooms that claim to be "non-smoking" though they certainly were, at some point, rooms that housed many, many puffs.)

I've got my first load of integrated laundry (AKA "our laundry") going now, and lots of bags/boxes that await the unpacking process that I hope to tee off tomorrow morning at some reasonable hour.

Daphne is tucked-in to bed, sleeping like she's lived here for years and I am going to follow in her foot steps shortly.

Good night from the east coast, I'll write more soon about my first experiences with co-habitation!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it to your final destination! It sounds like Daphne is right at home - I'm sure you will be soon as well. Good luck and sleep well! Can't wait to hear more about your trip cross-country!

J said...

Mazel! Welcome to DC...I've added new discussion topics for you when you are recovered, such as: dating the young and the Atheists...in no particular order or lumped together ;)
Oh and my other blog is:


where even more geeky tech ensues...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you've landed safe and sound!

Can't wait to hear the updates!