Wednesday, September 07, 2005

More wedding joys!

Thank goodness someone took some photos of the reception… By the time I reached the salad course I had used up all of my camera’s memory card. I guess I took too many wine-induced self portraits the night before after the rehearsal dinner… Oh well, that’s what friends are for J I’ve chosen a selection of four of the BEST photos of myself- the ones that really capture those feelings of, “Damnit! Why did the shutter have to close at that particular moment?!?” And “Does my face really make that expression in real life? If so, why hasn’t anyone asked me to stop making it yet?”

This first one was taken as the inspiration for a new cocktail that Brooke and I invented- It has a real snappy name and is going to be a pink drink with floaty things on top that get stuck in your teeth. Shaved coconut or muttled mint leaves were the initial ideas. Image hosted by

Witness the creation of this year’s vintage sorority girl. Note how she is aged for 27-29 years in Oak Barrels to enhance her natural fruitiness. Subtle flavors and nuances are developed when she poses in a large group of her peers under the direction of boyfriends and husbands shouting: “Oh yes Fraulein, make Laaaahv to zie caaamraaah… You must get closah togezeh to really make this vurk… “ in Uber-fake German accents. More like a Falko-esque Austrian accent really.
Image hosted by Is that my o-face?? Yikes. Better work on that.

I have no witty tag-line to add to this one other than: Enjoy. (but it does capture the essence of “I spilled wine all over me!”)
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I call this one, “Grumplestiltskin” or “Was I getting Scarlet Fever or was that the tannins in the wine?” or maybe, “Am I really a cranky 6-year old trapped in the body of a fun-loving 27-year old?”
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And I’m including this one because it is good of me, and I need to feel better about myself now.
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Lisaopolis said...
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Lisaopolis said...

ooops now for correct spelling; "Precious pics, glad to know there is at least one Hundles at a real wine cellar at a given time..."

Gus said...

I'm not sure if I should show abby these. she will be even more jealous that we didn't go. stupid wedding in california. common seriously, 10 weddings, 2 reunions, a vacation... can anyone really afford all that in one summer?