Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cheers and jeers

Okay- I've seen it on other blogs so here are mine:

Jeers to boys who play video games and try to talk to you on the phone at the same time.

Cheers to Bryers ice cream being "buy one get on free" at QFC.

Jeers to having an entire gallon of ice cream in my freezer right now.

Cheers to getting new bike shoes and clipless pedals both on sale at Performance Bicycling in Bellevue.

Huge jeers to the fact that I can't get my old pedals off because I have a stupid, cheap, lame wrench that fails at it's one job: turning things.

Jeers, (but hindsight cheers) to how many times I'll probably fall on my head while learning to use the clipless pedals.

Jeers to having a biopsy of my cervix yesterday. Probably one of the LEAST comfortable things I've ever experienced.

Cheers to the medications they gave me afterward because it hurt real bad and it made me cry.

Cheers also to the nurse who gave me apple juice in tiny paper cups because it also made me light-headed and dizzy.

Jeers to the MTV show, "My Sweet, Sweet Sixteen" for sucking me in with it's ridiculousness and forcing me to watch it whenever it happens to be on...

Jeers to "Laguna Beach, the real OC" for the very same reasons...

Cheers to "The Mediterranean Kitchen" restaurant in Bellevue where I had lunch with Mamma Hundley today.

Jeers to the garlic and olive oil that will subsequently be seeping from my pours for days.


Emily:) said...

Yay, glad you broke down and finally bought your clipless pedals (not that I have any idea what those are as I abhorr most types of exercise). Babe, it should be cheers to garlic and olive oil, which are both good for you and your skin. Hello, have you seen Sophia Loren lately. The woman does not age (much)!

Lisaopolis said...

yup, garilic and olive oil, I must concur. My fave Sophia Loren quote is her saying "All this [points to body] I owe to spaghetti".

I hear you on Super Sweet Sixteen. Now that I'm back on the cable, I get sucked into these rediculous shows. I think gettting onto the OC would really push me over the non-work edge.

My fave Sweet 16 was the foster kid turned snob princess from hell in Erie, PA; pulled from her 'poor' lifestyle into the throes of wealth and superficiality by this Barbie-esque couple (probably botoxed to death), giving her everything she wanted including a BMW convertable AFTER she had failed her drivers license written test. She and her gang of "VIP girls" really highlighted how not to treat your kids unless you DO want them to lead the Beyotch Mafia lifestyle. But, the Most Funny Thing for me was that this was all taking place in ERIE, PA, hahaha. Erie! As in not Upper East Side or SoCal. So funny!

Gina Grace said...

Ooooo... I just saw that episode from the PA hood-rat turned rich girl the other day! She was a spaz. I think she had fetal alcohol syndrom or something. I'm probably going to go to hell for writing that...

Lisaopolis said...

no, i do believe she was a hoo-er. ('whore') At least we'd get Purgatory, not real Hell.

Weren't her adoptive parents just SPESH? Anorexic mom, botoxed dad, secure personalities all around.

Please pass the judgment and the tomatoes!

Gus said...

hey watch it with the cervix comments. some of us are trying to use the computer without thinking about your crotch.

and high school kids on tv are stupid.

Go Cougs!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I have my own painful memories of biopsy's and down there. Sorry to hear you had to go through with it as well.
Hope all is good with you despite doctor's visits.