Friday, September 30, 2005

Message to the Women’s Cosmetics Industry: GFY!!! We actually get BETTER with age!

In case you’re not a potty-mouth by nature, that stands for: Go F*ck Yourself. I’m sick and tired of looking in the mirror and thinking : oh no… I’m starting to get older… my skin really WON”T stay firm and elasticy for all eternity!! Cripes! I hope there is an under-eye cream or something that can help!! I realized today that I’m actually getting better with age, so take THAT cosmetics industry!

The background:

After reading my post about malted wine beverages of yesteryear, my dear friend Beth was inspired to scavenge through some old pictures from college to see if she could find any photographic evidence of Cisco consumption. As I foggily recall, it was her “Family Drink” in the house. My oh my, what a dysfunctional family… Anyway- she couldn’t find any photos from freshman year, when she and her “twin” Amy imbibed the delicious malt libation that is.. Cisco, for the very first time. However, she DID find this choice shot of the two of us during our sophomore year…. Image hosted by

Clearly a picture like this prompts one to continue looking through the box of old pictures to find more marvels. Her husband commented, “Oh man, is that Gina? She looks… prepubescent!?”
Okay, so we clearly look like ASS. But afterall, that bottle of Cisco is almost half empty- of COURSE we’re going to look a little… “off.” But here’s another whopper:
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This is from Dad’s weekend, and as you can read from the Party Pic frame, the year was 1997.

Nice boyish sweaters huh? Yeah, I guess “Lesbian Chic” was the look we were going for? I mean really… It was Dad’s weekend though, so I do remember that every single sorority girl seemed to turn it down a notch (or two… or three) that weekend as far as the skanky-ho factor was concerned. But seriously, juxtapose that photo with the fact that I now drive a Subaru and have a dog? Smart money would bet that my future would include comments like, “What a beautiful baby! Which one of you is the birth mom?”

And no, that wasn’t REALY Diet Pepsi that we were drinking, but rather Busch Lite that was secretly poured into Pepsi cans in the SAE’s laundry room. You see, Beth and I both were on House Council that year, and the campus had just “gone dry.” Because we were in a position of leadership, we were really trying to enforce it and set a good example…. Yes, I see now that we were missing the point.

Hey Gina, 1997 called. It wants it mom-hair back. (yes, that was in direct reference to a term I learned recently on Mommymatic!)

But aren’t our Dad’s the cutest?

So here we are present day for a point-by-point comparison. Image hosted by

While it is quite tempting to leave it that- with one photo where we both look relatively nice (afterall, it was from her wedding, there was “hair and make-up” involved”)- I am going to leave you with a mini-montage to see for yourself. Some “real life” pictures- some posed, some not, some cute, some not so cute. But all in all, I think we’ve done better with time. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is universal throughout woman-kind.
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My take home message (as long as we’ve been talking about malted wine beverages…): Girls are like malt liquor, fun, obnoxious, tasteless and well, pretty cheap. Women are like good red wine: fabulous, and ever improving (assuming proper corking and storage).


Anonymous said...

One time when I drank Cisco I pooped myself.

Anonymous said...

Ah, nostalgia totally just overwhelemed me. I miss the good old days! I do NOT however miss our cisco drinks. Bleh.
We all have definitely improved with age - thankfully I no longer have either my femme-mullet or platinum blonde hair. Whew!

Gina Grace said...

Amy, won't you please post a photo of your said femme-mullet??

Lisaopolis said...

sounds like you're starting to learn. Ah, the mid to late 20s, good times, good times. It only gets better after 30, which is something only women after 30 actually know.

Anonymous said...

One time when I had a femme-mullet, I pooped myself.

Anonymous said...

I have no CLUE how to actually post a picture of femme-mullet self. I'll find a picture to scan and email to you and then you may post. WHAT AM I SAYING? I do not want the femme-mullet on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. the jerkoff who keeps writing about pooping - find a hobby

Lisaopolis said...

I forgot to add the following relevant and riveting comments: yes, proper corking is always nice; i like the last pic--you guys look like you might be discussing key issues at a PTA meeting; and what's with the Bill Hoondleee Harry Potter look? Dad is the best Coug dad, regardless of spectacle style. I think the Snakey K's were supplied with 'Diet Pepsi' whether I was in the country or not.

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

I have to agree, you are both lovely, lovely things and that yes, things have gotten better aethetically for most of us since the 90s. However, I'm not sure I have aged as well as I would like--having a baby will do that--but I do think the whole botox-dermabrasion-facelift-collagen thing goes way-hey too far! Maybe my botox'd colleagues will disagree, but I figure if I don't love myself now, paralyzing half my facial muscles ain't gonna help.

Thanks for the mommymatic nod. As my favorite sports commentator Colin Cowherd says, "you got lotsa choices, so thanks for listening. Always appreciate it."

Anonymous said...

One time when I had botox, I pooped myself.

Gus said...

that pooping line is awesome.

I remember abby having a coke and telling her mom during moms weekend that there was no rum in it. ahhhh memories.

Anonymous said...

One time I had a rum and Coke and pooped myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gina: Can you not find a way to filter out the scatalogical bozo who adores his diapers??? Anyhow, as an older woman, I can tell you that your observations are pretty accurate. Though 27 seems very YOUNG! Put in another report after your 35th birthday...Love, Cindy

Anonymous said...

One time when I used big words(scatalogical), I pooped myself.