Wednesday, March 11, 2009

String' on The Office?!

I heard a promo for an upcoming episode of NPR's "Fresh Air" today in which they teased me with the news that Stringer Bell (okay, his real name is Idris Elba) will be on the show soon, discussing his new role on The Office as Michael Scott's boss.

I'm intrigued can't wait for the interview or to see him in a comedy... though I'm guessing he'll be sporting a dead-pan no-nonsense attitude.

On a related note, if you haven't watched The Wire, do it now. Go to Blockbuster and start with season one. Do it. I don't care if you loved Oz and want to talk about how great Lost or Dexter is. Just watch the Wire. You're welcome!

1 comment:

Wohn said...

Stringer Bell on the Office?!? I am giddy with joy.