Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Once again, I've been peer-pressured into the Circle of Youth.

I’d been resisting MySpace. Resisting it like I’ve resisted Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Blackberries. I’ve been duped before by passing trends- I always seem to be on the losing end of them. I have an extensive Beanie Baby collection. I have a Palm Pilot with at leather Tumi case which is likely worth a whole lot more than the device itself. I have a page on Friendster. Heck, Daphne has more friends on Dogster than I have on Friendster. And SHE’S one of my Friendster friends…

I wasn’t going to spend my precious Gray’s Anatomy Watching Time on a MySpace profile. I mean really, It’s not like I’m looking for online MySpace love or anything, and certainly not looking for attention from old men who have grown a recent and unexplainable of fear of Dateline NBC.

But leave it to Jennifer to sway the Ginapalooza Opinion Poll toward jumping right into the BLEEDING EDGE of technology and all that is NOW and COOL and YOUTHFUL! (don’t worry, I was trying to be ironic by using the term “bleeding edge”, because it, and MySpace are no longer the newest/hippest/coolest). Because it’s true, everyone is on MySpace. Okay, not everyone, but enough people who I haven’t seen in years just to make it interesting. And since I won’t be able to make it to my High School reunion this summer (which is weird, because of all people, I never thought that I would be among the married people at my 10 year high school reunion. But hey, the world has its own timeline… which rarely coincides with my own. Okay, digressing again.), I thought this would be a fun way to sneak up on old acquaintances.

So once again, I’m jumping on a trend wagon. With this in mind, you can almost guarantee that MySpace will be “sooooo over” in about three months. The clock starts today.


Anonymous said...

its about as cool as "survivor"

Anonymous said...

Last night my housemate's friend was looking up her friend on My Space! It does seem like something everyone does...Can't wait to read Daphne's bio on dogster. Being in a cyber- started relationship myself, I can see it has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: you're up to speed on all the things you can articulate. Disadvantages: Since I'm used to e-mailing best friends on e-mail, I can be more casual/ direct than I might be with strangers in person. So the process of feeling aquainted can be sped up? Something like that...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I refuse to get a MySpace page, but that hasn't stopped me from going on-line to search for people. Tim and I found a girl from his high school and she is all dolled up in dominatrix gear. Wow!

P.S. That McDreamy sex scene of Grey's Anatomy on Sunday night was hot!

- Beth

Anonymous said...

I take full responsibility. I do. I have been bugging you about this for months and all it took was a couple of choice links and you were done. And now you have more friends than I do.

Myspace keeps getting banned all over the place because people spend too much time on it. I'm pretty sure I would have 3 friends if there was some sort of requirement for "quality time spent" with said friend or "compatibility" but no! I have friends like Dane Cook, Diana Krall, Mike Holgren and yes - the recently hitched Gina Hundley!!

Anonymous said...

dogster! ok u have too much time on your hands

Gina Grace said...

Clearly too much time. So much time that I even write out the word "you."

Ohhh... SNAP!