Friday, March 31, 2006

The Dixie Chicks strike again!

Hot digidy!

I’ve been out of the music loop lately (um, was I really ever in it?) but I heard from Darling Beth today that the Dixie Chicks are releasing their new album later this month so I did some snooping online and found that released the video of the single, “Not Ready to Make Nice” today. Watched it. Loved it. Voted on the poll afterward expecting to see that most others loved it too. Wrong-0. Image hosting by Photobucket
I was in the minority. About 30% of viewers loved it. The rest hated it. Someone must have organized some sort of a Vote “Hated It”-Clear Yer’ Cookies and Vote Again! Rally somewhere down in Texas, as there STILL seem to be some people who are pissed off about the Dixie Chicks. So much so that they can’t recognize a good song when they hear it. Oh, maybe that explains the success of Toby Keith…. Ah, I see. Now THERE’S Someone with good, strong ass-kicking American family values exemplified in these lyrics outlining the benefits to just knocking one out in a one-night-stand rather than dither about with all that relationship garbage (which apparently is “too demanding”.)

Sorry… back to the Dixie Chicks-The whole song was very angsty, full of emotion and a big old “Screw You!” to all who reacted so violently against them after they voiced their disapproval of GW however long ago that was. And when I say “violently” I mean it- the lyrics allude to death threats received by Natalie Maines received as a result of her opinions. Because God knows, there is nothing more un-American that having an opinion and voicing it. Sheesh…

So my plea to the people who are going to get all worked up again about the Dixie chicks and spend a bunch of energy hating them: just save it. It’s a great song, they’re great performers and they can rock their instruments and voices. Besides, as I’ve already mentioned, there are PLENTY of other country artists out there who will sing you nice songs about America Kicking Ass etc. Go listen to them if it makes you feel better. Or just, well, open your mind a bit.

For now, I'm going to go on loving country music among other genres, wishing that a lot of it was better, enjoying the good stuff when it comes around, and simply changing the channel when there's a song that I don't like.


EveyQ said...

Major kudos to you and I totally agree. I can hardly believe that anyone would still kick up a fuss about that. Though I was surprised even more when they fussed the first time. They are great musicians and even greater people for standing up for what they said.

Lisaopolis said...

The Chicks are in the top .0000001% of American Musicians Who Have Talent and Know Their Craft and Toby Keith is in the bottm 500%. That, and there's a heck of a lot of red-state space between WA and PA. The Chicks will prevail and survive into the next Administration. They just say things that people don't want to hear and it makes some listeners nervous...which is why I love them to pieces. That and as I said they are some of the most talented musicians I've heard in a while.

Lisaopolis said...

PS: forgot to add that how hot is it that Emily is playing more electric guitar on this album? OK, so I bet she can play anything with strings...

Anonymous said...

Well Miss G, you know I hate country music but I like the Chicks and the song rocks. The video was cool too. I voted for it. I might be the only one living in Texas who does, but hell with all the Toby Keith lovin' Texans.

You do realize though that I haven't the slightest idea who Toby Keith is.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the Dixie Chicks are back AND with a great song and video. Not only do I love their music I appreciate that they are one of the few bands these days who actually make politically related music (and Toby Keith doesn't count). Besides Green Day and U2, I can't even really think of bands that are well know and making statements. Of course their are more indie groups (Bright Eyes and such) who do so but sadly it never reaches a large part of the country.

There are a LOT of Toby Keith lovers in Idaho (you can spot them by the gun racks in their trucks.) You can also spot them by seeing the GW stickers on their cars if the gun rack is absent.

On a different note to Kari, Tim didn't like country music until about 2 years with me wore him down. He actually really liked the Dixie Chicks concert I dragged him to. Now he has heard this new single and he is like "when does the album come out, we need to get THAT!"

Glad to blogger is back!
- Beth

Lisaopolis said...

Toby Keith's new album is cleverly titled "White Trash With Money", featuring the latest single "Get Drunk and Be Somebody".


Git 'er done!

See, the Chicks can break into any music genre they want, they have the skillz to pay the billz. But it would be a damn shame if they steered entirely clear of their bluegrass and country roots. I say we'll hear a more edgy rock compilation from them some day though.