Thursday, March 20, 2008

Question of the Day

What's the deal with people/things that I like doing things that I don't like?!?

Example #1: I went to the Cougar Athletics site today, because, apparently we're in the NCAA tournament, and I'd like to know more. You see, here in DC, it would seem that no one cares about or covers anything west of, oh, I'll say Fairfax Virginia. Once I'm at the site, I can't get rid of this annoying hovering pop-up-like ad for "tournament gear." (right, because I'm supposed to have both a home jersey AND an away jersey for game watching? Cripes.) I don't consider myself completely computer illiterate, so why is it so hard to get rid of this ad? It's blocking the site content and making me mad! Why Cougars, why?

Example #2: The deluge of e-mails from a Clinton family member (except, one the other day which was from Elton John) asking me to donate more money. I know it's a money raising game, but come ON. Can't we be gracious and just say thank you for what I've already given? Seriously getting a least 2 e-mails a day. These are almost getting to the point of ScarJo's "Please, vote for change" phone calls in terms of obnoxiousness. Why Hillary, why?


Ian said...

I agree about the phone calls 'from' annoying. In response to your comment for me, I hold nothing against your mother. Only the way the organization treated people. I've blessed and released the whole situation now anyways, so it is in the past. Congrats on your marriage.

Wohn said...

Oh, Gina. Yes, we're in the tournament. Our game is on tonight at 7:20 your time. You live on the East coast now, anything you want to know about your team (any Seattle team) has to be done over the internet and through expensive cable packages. It's just the way of the world. I think we have every college game known to man. Steve loves it, he justifies it as "Jennifer gets to watch her team" but really its "Steve gets to watch every game, everywhere."