Friday, November 18, 2005

The smell of Apples in the air...

This might be the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.

Other than you of course. Smile you gorgeous beast. Yeah, there it is. Perfection.

Okay, back to the other beautiful thing….

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Um um ummmm…. Check THAT out. I love it. Yeah, we raised more money for Habitat for Humanity, which not only resulted in the Cougar Flag being flown over the space needle every day (except twice, when some rich husky dropped a few grand for the daily win) last week, but it got our logo and a "Go Gougs!" on the Space Needle. This is doubly rad becuase the Space Needle, being in downtown Seattle, is in in the heart of Husky-ville. So, this is a nice coming-together of two of my faviorite things about the great State of Washington: Seattle, and Washington State University. If I had a little smilie emoticon, I'd insert it here.

So its pre-game Friday and not a lot of work is being accomplished today because its Apple Cup Friday, a day that is historically reserved for jokes, pranks, tricks, team color-wearing and playing your fight song over PA system of office across the greater northwest.

I have already heard the Huskies, “Tequilla!” and "Bow Down to Washington" (AKA "Bend Over Washington!") played about 7 times over our loud speaker. I have only heard the Cougar Fight Song once, but I am okay with this, as everyone knows that Cougars are much more refined than Huskies, and we don't like to over-do things! So there's that... and I just found the cougar roar file online and plan to play it multiple times throughout the day. Specifically, I want to play it right after I do anything cool today (this could be soooo many different things). Now if only I could find the “And that’s another… COUGAR, FIRST, DOWN!!” file...

Most of you know what a dismal season this has been for our team. But through thick and thin, winning and losing seasons, I firmly believe that it is always great to be a Coug. And the fact that the Huskies have had (what some could consider) an even worse season, doesn’t hurt.

I found this quote on that summed up my hopes, which are firmly rooted in reality for this Saturday’s game:

“I want to be able to rush the field Saturday with all but one finger in the air shouting "We're number 9, we're number 9!" When you finish first in the Pac-10 they give you roses - what do you get when you finish 9th? I want to find out.”

And you know, I’m almost glad that the Huskies beat Arizona last weekend, because to be honest, it just wasn’t as fun to beat them in the Apple Cup last year when they were winless. I almost felt like we were beating up on the fat kid. It almost made me feel bad. But then I felt like they were intentially robbing me of my post-win gratification. Which would just be so typical.

Go ahead, click it. You know you want to.


Anonymous said...

After working way too much this week and feeling pooped, I was delighted to see today's wonderful post. I love the Cougar roar, although co-workers are looking at me strangly (people in California don't get it).

Now if only we can make sure the Apple Cup isn't pre-empted on tv this week by the San Jose Sharks game like last weekend, I will be set! CO COUGS! - Beth

Lisaopolis said...

I love the roar and will play it often. Strangely, this is the same roar that the Nittany Lions use, what's up with THAT?

Yes, go COUGS, they will so beat the Huskies, it's about time finally for back-to-back Apple Cup wins.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if you have ever tried to beat up a fat kid, but its really not that easy. I think a better term would be the mentally challenged kid. However, sometimes they have some crazy super human strength and are also tough to beat up. Take it from me... I know.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

o no! scatman is back!