Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Potomac Primary day!

I voted on my way into work rather than on my way home, so I could rock the "I Voted/ Yo Voté" sticker all day. There was an Obama volunteer outisde giving out donuts and she was like, "Thanks for voting! Do you want a donut?"

And I'm all: "Um, no- I'm a Dietitian. And I voted for Hillary. Peace out."

Okay- I didn't really say that, but after I got in my car and started driving away, I thought of how COOL it would have been if'n I DID.

(sorry, I just finished reading No Country for Old Men, so I'm feeling the need to use terms like "if'n" more often)


Lisaopolis said...

Hillary rocks da haus, I don't care what the pundits and pollsters say. She will be the better leader. Motivational speeches are great but...skillz to pay the billz? My jury's still out on the Big O. HILLS '08!

PS: thank you for doing your civic duty and reporting from Below the Beltway. That will be the name of my blog when I move into my sister's basement...

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing more dialect from your book ;)
