Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Hi 2008! Let's have a fun year!

Happy New Year reader(s)! Why must blogging and exercising be things that I get really into for months at a time, then blissfully abandon? Don't answer that.

So it's 2008 which is just, well, awfully futuristic sounding to be the present year. But I'm dealing with it, and hoping that this year will have all of 07's pluck with a tad less of its yuck. Hell's bells, I should write for Sassy Magazine!

January 2008 not only marks the beginning of a new year, but also the beginning of my THIRD year in DC. Wherethehelldidthetimego?? I swear I just moved here. I'm still a hip and with-it Seattle type.... right? I know. I know that "hells no" is the only true way to answer that question, but I grasp at the possibility that I'm still a West coaster type (and by that, I mean all the good things about being a west coaster, none of the crap things). I still certainly feel like an east coast outsider. Not that DC is really "east coast" per say, but there sure are a lot of Pennsylvanians and New Jersey-ites around here. (I suppose the New Yorkers stay in New York?) But when I spend more than a few hours around Californians, or- dare I say, even Seattleites, I realize that... I'm not like them either. I'm not nearly politically correct enough or mercury-content-aware enough to fit in at their cocktail parties anymore. But I AM enjoying the Uptight Seattleite column in Seattle Weekly. It's probably been around forever, but I just started reading it.

Heck, maybe I just need to get over it and move to Eastern Washington.


Anonymous said...

I fear I am one of those "Californians" you speak of. I came to realization last year that after 7 years of living here, I actually feel like a Californian, i.e. getting mad at non-recyclers, chatting with a random person at Walgreens about carbon emissions, wearing my flip flops in November with pride. So for 2008 I am now embracing my Californiaism (new word) and driving my Prius with pride!! Don't worry Gina, a few more years in D.C. and you will wonder what is wrong with all those people that live in "places called states". HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
~ Beth

tz said...

it's better then going to parties where people rumble about the idiots who actually believe in global warming--you know because it's so cold right now (duh it's winter, no one said Colorado would be tropical in 2 years)....and comments like, who would buy a prius?

I feel like such a political minority -- sometimes i even feel like apologizing that i recycle...hahaha (ok, JK there, people here do recycle)

there are a couple of us who secretly nod at each other...we closet liberals in the burbs of a red state....

Lisaopolis said...

Very good. DC = east coast, don't worry. It's just an identity crisis waiting to happen, that's all.

I do miss the east coast. All I want is a bagel 'n schmear, is that so WRONG?

See now you may be able to relate to my inter(national)ly mysterous confusion of getting used to being where I'm from. Wear the west coast/USA banner with pride when you are anywhere but the...west coast of the US. I'd wear it here, but that'd have to be on a concensus basis with too many PC everythings and I can't deal with wasting time on that.

It can be distressing. No decent cocktail parties here, save for the friend's one recently but he was totes born in the wrong century so that doesn't count. Seattle is mellow and not always in a good way when you LIVE around here. Don't get me started on the Eastside.

Then again, all I have to do is think of the Shore on any summer day with loud, fat, greasy cheesesteaks of sunbathers and I'm happy to be in the Evergreen State.

eggonit said...

Gina, you're a NW girl, through and through. Okay, an Eastern WA girl. But still.

Wohn said...

Oy. Steve asked me if I would consider Spokane. What? Really? You mean you could get me *that* close to home but not quite? No thanks. Idaho isn't for me. Sorry Beth.

Anonymous said...

Last time I read the Uptight Seattleite, it was sooo on the mark, it bumped me out of my righteous scowl!
